
obilno nudio, ali takode uz više razumevanja nego sto bi se moglo očekivati prema okolnostima i turobnoj istoriji kulture na ovim prostorima. još je rano za zaključke, najmanje smo mi pozvani da ih činimo, kao aktivni učesnici, ponekad borci, a ponekad krivci na talasu novog pozorišta. sta li če se roditi novo iz onog sto je danas novo ili sto je juče bilo novo? da li čemo to novo svi zajedno prepoznati i u budučnosti? [mira trailovič, jovan čirilov]

fifteen years of searching in the history of world civilization, fifteen years is a short period of time, but for the world theatre of the twentieth century, the period from 1967, when bitef was established, to 1981, when the 15th bitef is being held, is one of the most fruitful and the most dramatic periods of the modern theatre. this is a period of new forms, undreamt of hitherto, a period of the emergence from baroque halls into the streets, squares, garages, powder magazines, attics and basements; days when the theatre once again belongs to the young and their protest, maybe in the naive belief that it is possible to change the world through the theatre; finally it is a period when the theatre once again returns into the hails, but returns transformed, rejuvenated and prepared to think again. think only of the theatre movements that cropped up in the