
What do you know about the Youth Theatre? Much? Little? Nothing? Facts, facts, facts... Do you know that ... the Youth Theatre was formed in 1965 and its first production was W. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. ... during the period of 23 theatrical seasons there have been 100 premieres of various plays in the Youth Theatre. ... the Youth Theatre company comprises 43 actors (20 women and 23 men). ... the head-director of the Theatre is Dalia Tamuleviciute and the stagedirector is Eirauntas Nekrošius.

.., there are two designers in the Youth Theatre - Nadežda Gultiayeva and Adomas Jacovskis. ... during the 1987 season the Theatre performed 364 plays watched by 161 thousand spectators. ... at present there are 24 titles on the play-bill of the Theatre. ~, the Theatre has performed to numerous audiences - those of Tallin, Tartu, Riga, Minsk, Kiev, Tbilisi, Moscow and Leningrad, as well as to the spectator of Yugoslavia, Poland and Bulgaria. ... in May, 1988 the Theatre will present its productions Pirosmani, Pirosmani... and Uncle Vanya overseas to the American spectator in Houston and Chicago; wbile'in June, 1988 its production Uncle Vanya will be performed in Austria (Vienna). □