
definitely and worked as a director at the Deutches Theater in Goettingen and at the Schauspielhaus in Koeln and Duesseldorf. In 1980 he founded, and still directs, the world renown Theater an der Ruhr in Muehlheim. There he directed the Three Penny Opera by Brecht/Weill, The Creation Faust by Snajder, Kaspar by Peter Handke, Dead without Burial by Jean-Paul Sartre. Since 1991 The Theater an der Ruhr permanently hosts a part of the Rom Theater Pralipe. Roberto Chilli and his theater are the recipients of many international awards and recognitions; the most recent one being the Chilean Drama Critics Award for the Best Foreign Company [1992]. □

Sluga dvaju gospodara

Giorgio Strehler Italian director, and one of the major figures in post-second World War theatre in Italy. Although he began his career as an actor he soon emerged as a leading director, and in Milan, jointly with Paolo Grassi, established in 1947 the first fully-fledged Italian »teatro stabile«, the Piccolo Teatro. A subsidized theatre, with an acknowledged public service purpose, it tried to reach a socially more heterogeneous audience than had traditional urban theatre. Save for a period between 1968 and 1972, when the events of May encouraged Strehler to form the Gruppo Teatro e Azione, and explore a more politically engaged theatre, it is at the Piccolo that he has been mainly based, although in the 1980 s he has been equally involved in the w ork of the Théâtre de l’Europe for which he has directed plays like Brecht’s »The Threepenny Opera«. Strehler’s work has been massively wide-ranging, running to more than 200 productions in the musical and regular theatre. He has brought a queáting, lively intelligence and brilliant theatrical flair to so many and very different kinds of drama, that his career does not readily divide into clear periods. The early work, however, of the late 1940 s and

Pìccolo teatro di Milano La compagnia dei giovani Milano Ralija Carlo Goldoni: Sluga dvaju gospodara (Arlecchino, servitore di due padroni) Režija: Giorgio Strehler § Učestvuje: La compagnia dei giovani dei Piccolo teatro di Milano. Video-snimak predstave se prikazuje u saradnji sa Društvom Dante Alighieri, Beograd.