
Svakako mu služi na čast to što se, uz jednu zdravú dózu humora, uhvatio u koštac s ternom koja je tako podložna jalovom moralisanju. S druge strane, čini se pomalo naivnim čuvati konopac za "degenerisane" japije i neurotike, ne obracajúci pažnju na činjenicu da on sve nas može spasiti srečne starosti u krugu porodice, a da ne pominjemo nedeljne radio-emisije sa evergrin mužíkom... Krajnje neverovatno... Jaša Kramar Kacin, “Mladina", mart, 1998. About the show ...Acrobatic swimming in the air, reanimating the dead with a rope, anthological scenes, that include all typical Potocan's qualities. Authentic movements and sense for humor... Jasna Škrinjar, Radio Sb, 7.3.1998.

Intelegent conception, nonpatethic, soft melancholy, bright humor... Tatjana Greif, Dnevnik newspaper Branko Potočan Born February sth, 1963, in Trbovlje, Slovenia. In primary school he learned the standard and LatinoAmerican dances, and spent eight year dancing folk dances. For three years he was a member of France Marolt Folklore Group. In the eighties, he founded his own breakdance group Gumiflex. They were active three years. In 1986 he joined Plesni Teater Ljubljana and worked with them for three years. In 1990 he became a member of the group Ultima from Belgium, led by choreographer and director Wim Vandekeybus. In the next two and half years he danced in their productions: Trio for the Boys, Le Poids de la Main, Always the Same