
istraživača Hazarskog rečnika Samuela Koena. Može pogledom da upali sveću i uljanicu, a iz njenih grudi umesto mleka ističe Vreme. Kasnije Anastasija Suk (vidi Suk Anastasija). Masudi Jusuf - U XVII veku lovac lovaca na snove, jedan od pisaca Hazarskog rečnika. U rezidenciji engieskog diplomatskog predstavništva u Carigradu on je u službi diplomate Brankovića i zajedno s njim istražuje hazarsko pitanje. Jedan je od najpoznatijih veštaka na sablji. U Veneciji je izdao knjigu Najlepši potpisi sabljom, čuvenu po krivudavom zahvatu sabljom u znaku Ovna, On je tvrdio da je svaka rana novo srce što kuca za sebe, i te rane krstio je sabijom, U snovima se sanja i progoni sa Samuelom Koenom. | Ranije Mokaddasa Al - Safer (vidi Mokaddasa), kasnije Taksista (vidi Taksista). Mokaddasa Al - Safer - UIX veku najveštiji i najugledniji lovac na snove u sekti hazarske princeze Ateh i rtjen ljubavnik. On je napisao Hazarski 06n\k kao mušku verziju. Kagan, besan zbog njegove veze s princezom Ateh, , all i ugrožen politick! od sekte lovaca na snove, kaznio je Mokaddasu Al-Safera M tako što ga je zatvorio u kavez okačen iznad mora, koji su plime I oseke punile vodom. Odatle je, Mokaddasa pisao Ateh ljubavna pisma koja je zubima urezivao na oklope morskihkomjača I slao ih u vodu, ■ da doplivaiu

the terrace of the Kingston Hotel. Earlier, Sabljak Mustaj-Beg (See Sabljak), the pasha of Trebinje, and earlier still the Khazar kaghan (see Kaghan). Kaghan In the 9th century, the Khazar ruler. Husband, father or brother, and perhaps all three, of Princess Ateh. Threatened by Byzantium (the Eastern Roman Empire), the Arab Caliphate and the large Jewish population in and around the state, he decided to conduct what is now known as the Khazar Polemic. He invited to his court the leading theologians and philosophers of Christianity, Islam and Judaism to argue the main tenets of their respective religions so that he could decide which one his nation and state should adopt. Thus it was that the Khazars disappeared as both a nation and a state. They were swallowed up by the world’s three great religions - scattered like sand in the desert. Later Sabljak Mustaj-Beg, the pasha of Trebinje (see Sabljak) and, later still, the Judge of the Istanbul Court (see Judge). Letter Princess Ateh had written; "As I await you in my lone and eternal night, the days snow upon me like shreds of torn missives. I put them together and read out your loving words, letter by letter. But I read only the little I can, because an unknown

do nje. Mokađdasa Al - Safer bio je hazarski sveštenik kulta soli u jednom ženskom manastiru, gde je ritualno opiodio 10 000 device i tako osigurao sebi besmrtno potomstvo i večnost. Kasnije Jusuf Masudi (vidi Masudi), još .kasnije Taksista (vidi Taksista). Muawia dr Abu Kabir - Arapski intelektualac, ugledni egipatski naučnik, profesor kairskog univerziteta, istražuje hazarsko pitanje u XXI veku. Studirao je na univerzitetu u Jerusalimu, doktorirao u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Smatrao je da se Hazarski rečnik iz 1691. godine još uvek može naći na nekoj staroj polici. Sakupljao je stare predmete, živeo brzo, sahranjivao kosu i

handwriting sometimes appears, and a piece of some other letter gets mixed up with yours: somebody else's day and letter interferes with my night, I await your return when letters and days will no longer be necessary. And I wonder: will the other one still write to me then, or will it still be night? Thoughts whirled from the sky on me like snow. Afterwards I was barely able to warm up and return to life... My native land is silence, my food is staying mute, I sit in my name like an oarsman in a boat. I hate you so much 1 cannot sleep. Darling, my dearest... My beauty... I would like so very much, I would so like... You know what I would like? For the two of us to fall in love. You, my chosen bread, have a threeday-old beard, grown in the throes of love, and it scratches me and scratches. You caress me and embrace me until my soul groans within my body and... Oh yes, my love. Veins of salt air are coming in from the Bosporus and with them rapid thoughts