
nosio beduinske sandale. U Carigradu ga na terasi hotela Kingston iz pištolja übija četvorogodišnji dečak Manuil Van der Spaak, Tako je dobro nišanio da su zubi dr Muawie ostali celi. Ranije Turski vojnik (vidi Vojnik), još ranije Farabi Ibn Kora (vidi Farabi). Pandur Tomaž - Diplomirao je režiju na Akademiji za film, pozorište i televiziju na Ljubljanskom univerzitetu 1988. Godine 1989. osniva pozorišnu trupu "Tespisova kola" sa kojom već u početku karijere privlači veiiku pažnju. 1989. postavija predstavu Šeherezada (Istočno-zapadna opera) u Slovenskom mladinskom gledališču u Ljubljani. Umetnički direktor SNG Maribor od 1989 do 1996. Sa predstavama Faust I & II (1990), Hamlet, Sever-severozapad (1990), Karmen: Popodne na rubu evropske istorije (1992), La divina commedia: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradise (1993), Ruska misija (1994) i Babylon (1996) posećuje mnoge festivale u Evropi i Južnoj Americi. U Solunu, u Grčkoj, 1997. godine inscenira koncert na otvorenom na muziku Gorana Bregovica, koji je izveden kao deo programa povodom proslave evropskog grada kulture. U Thalia Theater-u (Hamburg, Nemačka) 2001-2002. režira Danteovu Božanstvenu komediju ( Inferno. Knjiga duše; Purgatorio. Anatomija melanholije; Paradise. Lux). Dobitnik je mnogih domaćih i medunarodnih nagrada i priznanja. Zivi i radi u Ljubljani i Njujorku, Godine 2002. osniva međunarodnu teatarsku mrežu PANDUR. THEATERS. Reditelj predstave i autor adaptaeije Hazarski rečnik. Pavić Milorad - Pisac, roden u Beogradu, Jugoslavia. Srpski prozni pisac i pesnik, istoričar srpske književnosti XVII-XIX. veka, struenjak za barok i simbolizam, prevodilac Puškina i Bajrona, profesor univerziteta (predavanja: Nova Sorbona u Parizu, Bee, Novi Sad, Regensburg, Frajburg, Beograd). Član Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti od 1991. godine. Do danas Pavićeva dela imaju gotovo stotinu prevoda u zasebnim knjigama na različite jezike širom sveta. Stručnjaci iz Evrope, Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Brazila, Milorada Pavića su nominovali za Nobelovu nagradu za književnost, Oženjen je Jasminom Mihajlović, piscem i književnim kritičarem. Žive u Beogradu. Pergament Veliki - U IX veku živa enciklopedija, poslanik koji ima na telu tetoviranu hazarsku istoriju, takode i Lovac na snove (vidi Lovac), kasnije Turski vojnik (vidi Vojnik), Još kasnije Gost u hotelu Kingston (vidi Gost). Pismo princeze Ateh - “Dok te čekam u svojoj jedinoj i večitoj noći, po meni veju dani kao komadići pocepanoga pisma. Sastavljam ih i sričem siovo po slovo tvoje ljubavne reči. Ali, pročitati malo šta mogu, jer ponekad se pojavi nepoznati rukopis i uz tvoje pismo zapadne komadić nekog drugog pisma, umeša se u moju nod neki tudi dan i tube slovo. Čekam kada ćeš doći i kada pisma i dani više neće biti potrebni, I pitam se: da li be mi i tada pisati

snaking their way into slow thoughts... In this gluttony of speed, to you, my heart, the fastest part belongs. You feed on the shattered wind. And every evening when I kiss you, I think it's only natural that one day I will bite too deep." (i from the adaptation of "Dictionary of the Khazars" by Milorad Pavič) Luccari (Lukarević), Ephrosinia - In the 17th century, a noblewoman from the Republic of Dubrovnik, bom into the GetaldichKruhoradich family, she married a noble-man from the Luccari family, but rumoured to be secretly of Moses 1 faith, in fact she was not human, but a devil from the Jewish hell of Gehenna. She was the mistress of Samuel Cohen, who studied the Khazar Dictionary. Able to light a candle just by looking at it and time, not milk, flowed from her breasts. Later, Anastasia Suk (see Suk A). Masudi Yusuf - In the 17th century, a hunter of Dream Hunters and one of the authors of the "Khazar Dictionary". Studied the Khazar question with the diplomat Branković, for whom he worked at the English legation in Constantinople. His book "The Finest Signatures of the Saber", published in Venice, was famous for the zigzag sabre stroke under the sign of Aries. He maintained that every wound was a new heart which beat independently, with his sabre he made the sign of the cross over these wounds. Earlier, Mokaddasa Al-Safer (see Mokaddasa), later a Taxi Driver (see Taxi Driver). Mokaddasa Al-Safer - In the 9th century, the most skillful and prominent dream hunter in Princess Ateh's sect. Also her lover. He wrote the male edition of the “Khazar Dictionary". The kaghan, incensed by Mokaddasa Al-Safer's relationship with Princess Ateh and politically threatened by the sect of dream hunters, punished Mokaddasa by shutting him up in a cage above the sea and letting the water wash over and flood it. From his cage, Mokaddasa wrote love letters to Ateh, carving them with his teeth into the shells of turtles and then releasing them into the sea to swim back to her. Mokaddasa Al-Safer had been a priest of the Khazar salt cult in a convent where he had ritually impregnated ten thousand virgin nuns, thus ensuring for himself immortal progeny and eternity. Later, Yusuf Masudi (see Masudi) and, later still, a Taxi Driver (see Taxi Driver). Muawia dr, Abu Kabir - in the 21st century, Arab intellectual, prominent Egyptian scholar, professor at Cairo University studying the Khazar question. Studied at the university in Jerusalem. Gained his doctorate in the United States. He was sure that the Khazar Dictionary printed in 1692 was still to be found on some old shelf. He collected old objects, lived in a hurry, buried his hair and wore Bedouin sandals. He was killed on the terrace of the Kingston Hotel in Istanbul by a four-year-old boy, Manuil Van der Spaak. The murderer took such perfect aim that Dr Muawia's teeth were left intact. Earlier, a Turkish soldier ( see Soldier) and, earlier still, Farabi Ibn Kora (see Farabi).