
onaj drugi iii će i dalje biti noć? Misli veju s neba na mene kao sneg. Jedva se ugrejem i vratim u život. ., Moj zavičaj je tišina, moja hrana ćutanje, Sedim u svome imenu kao veslač u čamcu. Ne mogu da zaspim koliko te mrzim. Dragi, najdraži moj... Lepi moj... Strašno bih volela, tako bih voiela... Znaš šta bih volela? Nas dvoje se zavoleli. Ti, moj izabrani hleb, brada ti trodnevna, nikia u ljubavi, pa češe ii me češe. Miluješ me i grliš tako da mi duša škripi u telu i... O, da, mili moj. Gomile slanog vazduha nailaze s Bosfora i s njima se kao zmije uvlače brze misli u spore misli... U tom proždiranju brzine, tebi, moje srce, pripada najbrži deo. Ti se hraniš raskomadanim vetrom. I svake večeri kad te poljubim, ljubavi moja, ja pomislim; sasvim je prirodno da ću te jednom ugristi suviše duboko...". Plesač u hotelu Kingston (XXI v.) - Ranije Turski vojnik (vidi Vojnik), još ranije Lovac na snove (vidi Lovac). Sabljak Mustaj Beg - U XVII veku paša, turski zapovednik u Trebinju, U ratne pohode vodio je sa sobom dojilje da ga doje. Sa ženama se inače, kao ni s Ijudima, nije mešao; mogao je da legne samo sa samrtnikom i njemu su u šator donosili kupijene i okupane žene, ljude i decu na samrti. Govorio je, uostaiom, da pravi decu za onaj, a ne za ovaj svet. Ranije Hazarski kagan (vidi Kagan), kasnlje Sudija (vidi Sudija). Sangari Isak - Jevrejski izaslanik, učesnik Hazarske polemike na kaganovom dvoru u IX veku. Kabalista i prevodiiac hazarske knjige. Po jevrejskim izvorima objasnio je hazarskom kaganu jedan san i time ga privoleo da zajedno sa ostalim Hazarima prede u jevrejsku veru, onu koja čeka od budućnosti više nego od prošlosti. Kasnije Samuel Koen (vidi Koen), joi kasnije dr Dorothea Schultz (vidi Schultz). Schultz dr Dorothea - Naučnica, poljska Jevrejka iz Krakowa koja živi u Izraelu. U Carigradu u XXI veku učestvuje na simpozijumu kao istraživač Hazarskog pitanja, Njenog muža, Isaka Schultza, u egipatsko-izraelskom ratu teško je ranio dr Abu Kabir Muawia. Od tog trenutka on je ušao u njene snove. Progonjena Muawiom u snovima, ona odlučuje da übije tog čoveka na simpozijumu u Carigradu. Godinama piše duga i lepa pisma, smaoj sebi u Krakow, šaljući ih u svoju prošlost, u ono vreme kad je živela kao mlada devojka u Krakowu, Nepravedno optužena za übistvo u hotelu Kingston. Tvrdila je: "Naša lažna žrtva nas je spasla smrti.'' Ranije Samuel Koen, dubrovački Jevrejin (vidi Koen), još ranije Isak Sangari, jevrejski izaslanik (vidi Sangari). Sevast Nikon - U XVII veku demon kaligraf, ikonopisac i slikar zidnih životopisa. Ako se njegove freske čitaju određenim redom, od

Pandur Tomaž - Director, in 1979 he established a theatre company "The Thespian Carriage". He graduated in 1988 from the Academy for Film, Theatre and Television at Ljubljana University. Directed the play Scheherezade (An East-West Opera) at the Slovenian SMG Theatre in Ljubljana. Artistic director of the Slovenian National Theatre in Maribor from 1989 to 1996. Guest performances at many festivals in Europe and South America with Faust I & II (1990), Hamlet, NorthNorthwest (1990), Carmen: an Afternoon on the Brink of European History (1992), La divina commedia: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso (1993), Russian Mission (1994) and Babylon (1996). Staged an open-air concert in 1997 in Thessalonica, Greece, with the music of Goran Bregović, as part of the program for celebration of the European city of culture. Directed Dante's La divina commedia (Inferno. The Book of the Soul; Purgatory. Anatomy of Melancholy; Paradise. Lux) for the Thalia Theatre (Hamburg, Germany) in 2001/2002. Winner of many domestic and international awards and prizes. Lives and works in Ljubljana and New York. In 2002 founded the international theatre network PANDUR.THEATERS. Director and author of the adaptation of the production Dictionary of the Khazars. Parchment Great - In the 9th century, a living encyclopaedia, an envoy with the history of the Khazars tattooed on his body. During the same period also a Dream Hunter (see Dream Hunter), later a Turkish soldier (see Soldier) and, later still, a Guest at the Kingston Hotel ( see Guest). Pavić Milorad - Writer (see Writer), born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Serbian prose writer and poet, historian of Serbian literature of the 17th to 19th centuries, expert on Serbian Baroque and symbolist poetry, translator of Pushkin and Byron, university professor (lectures at the New Sorbonne and in Vienna, Novi Sad, Freiburg, Regensburg and Belgrade), elected to full membership of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. There have been more than eighty separate translations of Pavić's works published in various languages throughout the world. Milorad Pavić was nominated for the Nobel prize for literature. He is married to writer and literary critic Jasmina Mihajlović. They live in Belgrade. Sabljak Mustaj-Beg - In the 17th century, the pasha of Trebinje, the Turkish commander during the Wallachian campaign in 1689. On his military campaigns he took along wet nurses to breastfeed him. He did not mix with women, or with people in general, he could lie only with the dying, so they brought to his tent dying women, men and children, who had been purchased and bathed for this purpose. He was wont to say that he made children for the other world, not this. Earlier, the Khazar kaghan (see Kaghan), later the Judge (see Judge). Sangari Isaac - Rabbi, an expert on the Cabala and Hebrew