
as individuals, delegating identity to the single and binary formula of the abbreviation - cultivate and export from their native “Romagna felix” a theatre that is strong in the precise sense of using ancient spaces and is aware of its fiction, which, perhaps to strengthen the uncertainty of its own nature, favours poetry and song while crossing paths with performance art and the visual arts. In the form of dramatic fairytales and not exclusively chapel choirs, private imaginary chronicles and rituals, religious or worldly, perhaps profaned, the indivisible components of the group tell stories at the microphone, stories which are theirs but without belonging to them, living the part to the point of possession, coming out of themselves to the point of dying, while acting, there in front of their hearts that bleed into suitable reliquaries, measuring their own vitality with biblical invasions of domesticated insects, gilded crickets and swarming termites. But when Fanny & Alexander stops making a spectacle of its own fascination, sometimes coming out of Alice’s mirror into the darkness of the night so dear to Mr Hyde, some of them are transformed and, under the name of the Teddy Bear Company, invade with funerary presences those spaces dedicated to the sin of the discotheque. Here they are like detached hetaeras, reaching in those places, thanks to the mere passive exhibition of bodies, the “cum quibis” that allows them by day to become once more, with irony, the semblance, the role and the game of the delightful Fanny & Alexander which will shortly begin again." A REQUIEM BY FANNY & ALEXANDER: GENERAL INTRODUCTION What we'have focused upon in the creation of this Requiem since the very beginning is a figure: the very precise and at the same time vague figure of a crossing that has got the quality of hell, that looks like the hell of betrayal we're left with by those who die. You cannot help but getting to the bottom of this hell, you simply cannot escape. The betrayal, in its mythical intention, aims at a crossing, aims at the autonomy and the perfect loneliness of each one's journey through his or her own hell. The Requiem is this hell. “They have to remain alone, there's no choice, to experience what supports them when they cannot support themselves anymore.