
Angelina Atlagíc

Set and Costume Designer

Exhibition entitled CIOSE UP is a selection of thè costume design work of Angelina Atlagic, which she created in thè period from 2000 to 2007 for various performances in European theatres thoughout Russia, Slovenia, Greece, Sweden and Spain.

The exhibition ineludes large-scale photography, costumes on mannequins, sketches and a video presentation from selected performances ( Inferno, Poisoned Tunic, In Love with Three Oranges, War and Peace, Bracala, Barocco, etc.).

Author of thè exhibition and thè catalogue is Aleksandra Milosevic, thè curator.

The exhibition CLOSE UP with the artwork of Angelina Atlagic opens on September 27th, in the Museum of Theatre Arts of Serbia, Jevremova 19, at 07pm. Tomaz Pandur, theatre director, opens the exhibition. The exhibition will be open fortwo months. The Museum is open from 09:00 to 15:00, Saturday 09:00-14:00, the entrance is free.

Angelina Atlagic graduated atThe Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, Department of Costume Design. From 1984 until today she designed over a hundred drama, ballet, opera, as well as children's and puppet performances; costumes for three feature films, and other significant projects in drama and cultural-entertainment program of TV Belgrade and TV Skopje. For several productions she created both costume and set design.

Since 1999 she works at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje (Montenegro), as an associate professor at the Department of Theatre Directing, teaching courses in set design and costume design. She held a series of lectures and presentations of her work at several universities in the USA (Nebraska, Indiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas).

She exhibited her work in Czech Republic, Japan, Israel, USA, Canada, and on the major exhibitions in thè country (October Salon, May Salon, International Triennial of Set and Costume Design in Novi Sad).

Since 2000 she has created costume and set designs in Russia (Bolshoi Theatre, Studio Fomenko in Moscow), Greece (NationalTheatre in Athens), Spain (Compania Nacional de Danza, Centro Dramático Nacional, Centro Cultural de la Villa in Madrid), Italy (CSS Teatro stabile di inovazione del FVG uni Udine), Sweden (INTERKULT in Stockholm), Slovenia (National Theatre in Ljubljana, Maribor, City Theatre in Celje). She is recipient of numerous prestigious awards in the country and abroad.