
The costumes of Angelina Atlagic are not createci to impress, but to serve thè performance. That means they are conceived and realized to help thè author, director and actor to express themselves. Her costumes are not only artwork created by hands and imaginative eye, but the mind. It is not by chance that she reads a play as if working as a dramaturge of thè performance. And that's why she is not only the perfect visual associate to thè director, but also his first and the last intellectual adviser. For the past three years, Angelina Atlagic, a fanatic of the unity of style, most often creates thè complete visual identity of thè performance. That means she has become an exceptional set designer. Jovan Cirilov (excerpt) The exhibition of Angelina Atlagic is the best document of the experimental, artistic and aesthetical lendendes of the postmodern costume design and its visual poetics, in a search for the visible world on stage. For the past seven years, on numerous European stages - from Moscow, Madrid, Athens, Stockholm, to Ljubljana, Skopje, Udine, all the way to Beigrade - she has created an opus of overthirty drama, opera and ballet performances. In the most diverse theatrical genres, the ränge of her work is very wide, including quotations from histórica! to stage costume, with all the beauty of drawings and harmony of colors that often inclines toward dark Rembrandt-like nuances in which light plays a significant role.

Radoslav Lazic (excerpt)