
Darijan Mihalovic


Direction: Kokan Mladenovic

Adaptation: Branislava Nie Special contribution: Maurici Farré

Amselfeld by Darijan Mihajlovic is an exciting and intriging play that takes place In Cafe Kosovo in Duesseldorf, in year 2389, one millenuem after thè Kosovo battle. Heroes in this text;Turks, Albanians and Serbs, are placed by thè author in a distant future, in the age of Great United Europe. With modified german-serbian or turkish-german ñames, they drive the newest Contemporary cars, and are dressed in latest european fashion. But what differs them from their surrounding are their myths that still separate them from the rest of the world. Quarelling over the rights to the territory where Cafe Kosovo is found, serbian and turkish mafia will overeóme the time in which they live, the rules and civilizational progress of their surrounding, and once more in history begin a tight until extinction. Wolf Branken, ie. Vuk Brankovic, Initiator of rational behavior and truce will be violenetly put away by those whose life is driven by hatred and blood filled with irrationallity, and archetype hatred guiding life force. Rational initiative will, once again, suffers defeat, along with the System of valúes that Europe has proclamed for the way of life.

Amselfeld alarmingly warns that Europe cannot be entered with a balast of national myths unskilfully transfered to national history, and in the same time it draws attention to danger of raging nationalism and its destructive energy, capable of destroying everything for what modern Europe Stands.

Amselfeld in our idea is a ship that Serbs rented for their celebration. On thè deck of thè ship there is decoration for thè party, luxuriously aranged dining tables, balloons... The beginning of the play presents entering of guests and sailing off. After everything that is about to happen, that ship, decorated by finest Standards of modern Europe, will sali back in like the raft of Medusa of Balkan people. On the deck of the ship, bullt in such way, so that it can be disassembled and later transformed into hiding covers, barricades and front, are dining tables of restraurant"Kosovo".They are covered with satin table cloths and they mark novelty of the setting. As thè story progresses, thè satin cloths will dissapear and ruffly carved tables of balkan cafe will submerge. Following thè story, complete scenery with deco will survive transformation from noble restorant to Balkan cafe. Situation is similar with costumes. From expensive, fancy suits we will come to (by taking off, by using sheets etc.) almost typical tribal wear of the enemy sides.

Europe, for a long time after the Union, will bave to pay the high price of national myths and differences. Underneath her shine and order, dangerous dirty cafes are hiding, full of destructive energy and built hate. It is a story of the play and a direction to costyme-stage design thinking.

Darijan Mihajlovic

Born in Belgrade 1972. Graduated from the Department ofTheatre and Radio Direction of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade under Professor Ljubomir Draskic. Beneficiary of Madlena Jankovic Foundation grani for dramatic arts. In 1994-2000 he was the artistic director of DadovTheatre and led its acting studio. Mihajlovic is one of the founders, a director and producer of theTorpedo Independent Theatre Company, with which he toured almost all European countries and partidpated in some of the most important European festivals. He is assistant professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Department ofTheatre Direction.

In 1999-2002 he chaired the Steering Board oftheTheatre Artists Union. Mihajlovic is the coordinator of the working group preparing the new theatre law. Winner of numerous awards:"Joakim Vujic" "Zlatni curan", the Gold Plaque of the City of Belgrade, Special Jury Award and "Zlatna pomorandza"at the Short and Documentary Film Festival in Antalya as well as the annual award of the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad for the best production in 2002. He directed a number of theatre productions, TV spots and programmes and has two published plays to his name.