
KONFERENCIJE / SIMPOZIJUMI / RADNE POSETE 2006. - Young Choreograpliers Platform, Zagreb, Hrvatska - European Cultural Contact Point Visitor’s Programme 2006, Dablin, Irska - lETM, Utreht, Holandija 2005. - Transformes Symposium, Pariz. Francuska - Le Bocal de Printemps, Pariz, Francuska - Euro-Turkey Forum For Cultural Relations, Istanbul, Turska -Tanec Praha Festival, intership, Prag, Ceska Republika - lETM, Beograd, Srbija 2004. - German Dance Platform, Diseldorf, Nemacka - British Dance Edition, Vilna, Litvanija 1998. -V Animal International Contemporary Dance Conference and Festival, Bitom, Poljska SPECIALNI PROJEKT! 2006. - Umetnicki direkter Festivala koreografskih minijatura - Suosnivac i programski koordinator servisa za savremeni pies STANICA REZIDENCIJALNIPROGRAMI 2006. - Podewil, Berlin, Nemacka 2005. - Artist in Residence, Tanzquartier Wien, Вес, Austrija - COLINA, Diseldorf, Nemacka 2004. - Chantier un Construction, IXKIZIT, Pariz, Francuska - Schloss Broellin, Broelin, Nemacka - Zetski Dom, Cetinje, Crna Gora 2003. - The Balkans and International Residency Program Chantier en Construction, IXKIZIT Pariz, A week For Dance, Cetinje, Crna Gora 1998. - Centre Choregraphique National du Havre, Centre Choregraphique de Montpellier, Francuska POZORISNE PREDSTAVE 2006. - Pomorandzina kora, reditelj: Goran Markovic, Atelje 212 - Deco, deco, reditelj: Anja Susa, Pinokio - Fritzspiel, reditelj: Rober Raponja (HR), Narodno pozoriste, Subotica 2005. - Mala trilogija smrti, reditelj: Nebojsa Bradic, Beogradsko dramsko pozoriste TRENING Savremeni pies / radionice 2005 - 2000. 1 Frans Poelstra (A/NL), Fabrice Lambert (FR), Charles Linehan (UK), Ellen van Schullenburch (UK), Laura Moro (I), Serge Ricci (FR), Martin Sondrekamp (DE), Goran Bogdanovski (SLO), Gregor Lustek (SLO) 1999 - 1995. - Christine Brunei (DE) , Joe Alter (USA), -Neta Pulvermacher (USA/Israel), Martin Sonderkamp (DE), Jacek Luminski (PO), Uri lvgy(NL/lsrael), Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh (FR), Joanne Leighton (BE).Thierry Bae (France), Janet Panneta (USA) 1985 -1993. - Ballet School "Lujo Davico" Beigrade Balet 2000 -1999. - Ivanka Lukateli, Aleksandar Izrailovski, Duska Sifnios, Renato Paroni de Castro (BRA/UK)

CONFERENCIES / SIMPOSIUMS/ WORKING VISITS 2006. - Young Choreograpliers Platform, Zagreb, Croatia - European Cultural Contad Point Visitor's Programme 2006, E)ublin, Ireland - lETM, Utreht, Holland 2005. - Transformes Symposium, Paris, France - Le Bocal de Printemps, Paris, France - Euro-Turkey Forum For Cultural Relations, Istanbul, Turkey -Tanec Praha Festival, intership, Prague, Czech Republic - lETM, Beigrade, Serbia 2004 - German Dance Platform, Dusseldorf, Germany - British Dance Edition, Vilnius, Litvania 1998 -V Animal International Contemporary Dance Conference and Festival, Bytom, Poland SPECIAL PROJECTS 2006 - Artstic director of The Festival of Choreographie Miniatures - Co-founder and program coordinator of STATION Service for Contemporary Dance REZIDENCIES 2006 - Podewil, Berlin, Germany 2005 - Artist in Residence, Tanzquartier Wien, Wien, Austria - COLINA, Dusseldorf, Germany 2004 - Chantier un Construction, IXKIZIT, Paris, France - Schloss Broellin, Brbelin, Germany - Zetski Dom, Cetinje, Montenegro 2003 - The Balkans and International Residency Program Chantier en Construction, IXKIZIT Pariz, A week For Dance, Cetinje, Montenegro 1998 - Centre Choregraphique National du Havre, Centre Choregraphique de Montpellier, France THEATRE PERFORMANCES 2006 - Pomorandzina kora, director: Goran Markovic, Atelje 212 - Deco, deco, director: Anja Susa, Pinokio - Fritzspiel, director: Roher Raponja (HR), Nepsinhaz, Subotica 2005 - Mala trilogija smrti, director: Nebojsa Bradic, Beigrade Drama Theatre TRAINING Contemporary dance / workshops 2005 - 2000. - Frans Poelstra (A/NL), Fabrice Lambert (FR), Charles Linehan (UK), Ellen van Schullenburch (UK), Laura Moro (I), Serge Ricci (FR), Martin Sondrekamp (DE), Goran Bogdanovski (SLO), Gregor Lustek (SLO) 1999 - 1995. - Christine Brunei (DE), Joe Alter (USA), Neta Pulvermacher (USA/Israel), Martin Sonderkamp (DE), Jacek Luminski (PO), Uri lvgy(NL/lsrael), Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh (FR), Joanne Leighton (BE),Thierry Bae (France), Janet Panneta (USA) 1985 -1993. - Ballet School "Lujo Davico", Beigrade Ballet 2000 -1999. - Ivanka Lukateli, Aleksandar Izrailovski, Duska Sifnios, Renato Paroni de Castro (BRA/UK)