AFTER TEN PARTY Club, music, theatre
Prated zabavni multimedijalni program 42 Bitefa 08 ШЉмпњштт cymijÉ $ ü ==15- 27. septembra 2008. “ BASSY of Sweden Urednica: Slavica Hinic Program: klupska svirka, VJ i DJ program, performansi, izlozbe, promocije pica. Zurke posle deset sastoje se od: umetnickih video animacija inspirisanih 42 Bitefom 08 i zemljama iz kojih predstave dolaze; muzickih DJ mikseva moderne i tradicionaine muzike; nastupa raznovrsnih bendova; tematskih izlozbi; promocije sponzorskog brenda i keteringa. Program After ten party realizuje se u saradnji sa diplomatskim predstavnistvima i kulturnim centrima zemalja iz kojih su predstave: Francuski kulturni centar, Ambasada Svajcarske, Ambasada Belgije, Austrijski kulturni forum, Ambasada Svedske, Gete Institut.
Special multimedia entertainment programme of 42 Bitef 08 15th -27th September, 2008 Editor: Slavica Hinic Programme: Club music, VJ & DJ programme, performances, exhibitions, beverage promotions. After ten parties include: artistic animation videos inspired by 42 Bitef 08 and the countries where the theatre productions come from; musical DJ mix of modern and traditional music; performances of various bands; thematic exhibitions; promotions of sponsoring brand and catering. The After ten party programme is organised in collaboration with the embassies and the cultural centres of the countries where the theatre productions come from: Centre Culturel Français, Swiss Embassy, Belgian Embassy, Austrian Cultural Forum, Swedish Embassy, Goethe Institut.