
Apart from being expert in Marivaux, Pavis is following contemporary playrights, B.M. Koltès, Jasmina Reza, Jean-Luk Lagarce, Mark Ravenhill, Xavier Durringer... He is writing and publishing in French, German and English but also has been translated to many languages. ROLAND SIMELPFENIG je rođen u Getingenu, 19. septembre 1967. Posle mature, dugo je radio kao dopisnik iz Istanbula, a iskustva tog boravka delimično su relevantna za njegov komad Arapska noć. Završio je režiju па Otto-Falckenber-Schule. Prvi angažman u pozorištu dobio je u minhenskom Kammerspiele-u kao asistent reditelja, gđe je i primljen za člana pozorišta 1995. Do 1998. živi naizmenično u Minhenu i Štutgartu. Od 1996. slobodan je dramski pisac i prevodilac. Übrzo odlazi u Sjedinjene Države, gde nastavlja da piše, a izdržava se od prevoda. Za svoj spisateljski rad, prvenstveno za komad Fisch um Fisch (Riba za ribu) dobija knjiženu nagradu Hohe Munde, a 1998. i prestižnu Šilerovu nagradu. Po povratku iz SAD, 1999 - 2001. primljen je па mesto dramaturga u berlinsko pozorište Schaubühne. Zajedno sa novim umetničkim timom razvio je koncept kuće na Leniner Placu i do 2003. predstavio četiri svoje drame. U sezoni 2001/2002. bio je kućni pisac hamburškog Deutsches Schauspielhaus. Roland Šimelpfenig je najviše izvođen savremeni nemački dramski pisac,sa preko4ointernacionalnih postavki i dramama prevedenim na dvadesetak jezika. Od 2000. godine radi po narudžbinama za Gradsko pozorište u Štutgartu, Hanoveru, bečkom Burgteatru, ciriškom Schauspielhaus i Deutsches Theater iz Berlina. Sa šesnaest drama napisanih do 38. godine života on je jedan od plodnijih savremenih pisaca. Među najčešće režiranim su Arapska not (2001.), Push Up 1-3 (2001) i Ženaod pre (2004). Roland Šimelpfenig živi u Berlinu. Njegove drame Arapska noć, Žena od pre i Push up 1-3 izvedene su u Srbiji i objavljene u izdanju Jugoslovenskog dramskog pozorišta Ars Dramtica Nova 2007, povodom premijere Arapske nod u režiji Ljubiše Matića u ovom pozorištu. Roland Schimmelpfennig was born in Gottingen on the 19 September 1967. After the graduation, he worked as a correspondent from Istanbul for a long while. His experiences from this period have shown relevant for the playwriting of The Arabian Night. Schimmelpfennig graduated on film and theatre directing on the Otto-Falckenberg-Schule. He got his first engagement in the theatre in the Kammerspiele in Munich as a director's assistant, thereafter becoming a permanent member of the theatre in 1995. He lived travelling between Munich and Stuttgart until 1998, working as a freelance dramatist and translator from 1996. Short after, he moved to the United States, where he lived by doing various translation works. In 1998 Schimmelpfennig received the prize Hohe Munde as well as the prestigious Schiller-award for his writing works, primarily forthe play Fisch um Fisch (Fish for Fish). As he returned from the US, he became the dramatist of the famous Schaubühne theatre in Berlin in the period 1999-2001. Together with a new team of artists Schimmelpfennig developed the concept of the House on Leniner Platz, where he presented four of his own dramas until 2003. In the same time he also wrote forthe Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg during the season of 2001/2002.

Patrice Ravis is partly translated and published in Serbian in theatre magazines: article Time (in play and on stage), "Povelja" No. 3, 1999 translated by Sava Andjelković; an extracts from his Dictionnaire du théâtre in'TkH", No. 3,2002, translated by Ljubiša Matić; recently, "Teatron"has published an extract from his latest title Le mise en scène contemporaine, No, 143,2008 translated by Slavica Miletić as Sjaj i beda tumačenja klasičnih delà.


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