
23. septembar, 20 h / September 23 rd , 20 h Narodno pozorište u Beogradu / National Theatre Belgrade Trajanje: 1 h 40 min / Duration: 1 h 40 min Narodno pozorište u Beogradu, Srbija / National Theatre Belgrade, Serbia BAHANTKINJE/THE BACCHAE Poznati švedski reditelj,doskorašnji upravnik Kraljevskog dramskog teatra uStokholmu,u programu predstave Euripidovih Bahantkinja napisao je da„Nema tragedije bez komedije... Komični i zabavni delovi postoje upravo da bi tragediju na kraju učinili još strašnijom... Na probama smo pričali о šezdesetim godinama,o tome kako je sve bib divno - imali smo slobodan seks, ljubav,Vudstok,decu cveća... A onda samo nekoliko godina kasnije, imali rat u Vijetnamu, übistvo Šaron Tejt i događaje u Mensonovoj kud. Nešto što je bib vrlo nežno, dopadljivo i milo, pretvorib se u brutalnost." Well know Swedish director, who was leading Kongelige Teater in Stokholm, in the programme for performance Bacchae wrote: "There is no tragedy without a comedy... Comical and funny parts exist only to make the tragedy even more severe at the end... During rehearsals we talked about the 60's, about how everything was great - there was free love, sex, Woodstock, flower power... But then, only a few years later, there was a war in Vietnam, murder of Sharon Tate Polanski and events in Manson's house. The thing that started as mild, pleasurable and loving turned into brutality." 24. i 25. septembar, 20 h / September 24 th and 25 th , 20 h Atelje 212/ Atelje 212 Trajanje: 2 h 30 min, sa pauzom / Duration: 2 h 30 min, with intermission Moskovski teatar OKOLO kraj kuće Stanisiavskog, Rusija / Moscow Theatre OKOLO the house of Stanislavsky, Russia TRI SESTRE/THREE SISTERS Za novim Čehovom, pored umetnika celog sveta, u poslednje vreme tragaju i umetnici Rusije, ne držeći se više zaveta, prvog reditelja ovog tajanstvenog dramskog pisca. Jurij Pogrebničko davno je zaslužio da ga upozna publika Bitefa, a Čehov je odličan povod da ga naša publika vidi u njegovom najboljem izdanju. Of late, alongside other artists across the world, Russian artists have also set off in quest of new Chekhov, relinquishing the behest of Stanislavski, the first director of this mysterious playwright. Yuri Pogrebnichko has long deserved to be seen by the Bitef audience and Chekhov is an excellent occasion to see him at his best,