
STANICA Servis za savremeni pies / STATION Service for contemporary dance, Beograd, Srbija / Belgrade, Serbia

KO Bl HTEO MAMU KAO MOJU / WHO WOULD WANT A MOM LIKE MINE Konceptikoreografija/Conceptandchoregraphy: Dalija Adn Izvođenje/ Performed by: Dalija Adn Real time dramaturška intervencija audio materijalom / Real time dramaturgy intervention with the sound material: Milan Marković Glas /Voice: Marisa Adn Video materijali / Video materials: Dalija Adn, Marisa Adn Dramaturško - konceptualna podrška / Dramaturgical and conceptual support: Teorija Koja Hoda/Walking Theory I Bojan Đorđev, Siniša llić. Ana Vujanović Grafički dizajn / Graphical design: Mihailo Ršumović Produkcija / Production: STANICA Servis za savremeni ples uz podršku Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije i Malog pozorišta „Duško Radović" / STATION Service for contemporary dance with the support from Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Culture and and Little Theatre "Duško Radović"; Simultani prevod na engleski / Simultaneous translation: Vlada Brašanac

Datum / Date: 20. September, 20 h / September 20,20 h Mesto / Venue: Malo pozorište „Duško Radović"/ Little theater "Duško Radović" Trajanje / Duration: 40 min


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