

CEDEUM sa Nastavničkom platformom Kocka je bačena, Beograd, Srbija X SELIGE Moderatorka: Ljubica Beljanski Ristić Voditelji: Jelena Stojiljković i Jasna Savić, Farmaceutsko-fizioterapeutska škola, Beograd; dr Dragana Veljković Stanković, Filološki fakultet u Beogradu; Boris Čakširan, ERGstatus plesni teatar, Dražen Zacero, Prijatelji dece Srbije, dr Ana Marjanovic Shane, Chestnut Hill College, Filadelfija, SAD. Prevodioci: Vuk Simić i Anđelija Jočić

Polazište radionice je nastavna jedinica Selice, kratka lirska pesma poznate srpske spisateljice Desanke Maksimović. Radionica otkriva temu migracija i migranata otvarajud pitanje aktuelizacije i transformacije postojeće prakse proučavanja književnih dela u nastavnom planu i programu koji se nudi srednjoškolcima. Radionica je namenjena nastavnicima književnosti, nastavnicima stručnih predmeta i stručnim saradnicima u srednjim školama i predstavlja nastavak i dalje širenje EU DICE projekta (Drama Improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education, 2008-2011) čiji je nosilac u Srbiji bio CEDEUM, a Farmaceutsko-fizioterapeutska škola programski partner.

x MIGRANT BIRDS Moderator: Ljubica Beljanski Ristić Workshop leaders: Jelena Stojiijković and Jasna Savić, Pharmaceutical-Physiotherapeutic School, Belgrade; Dr Dragana Veljković Stanković, Faculty of Philology in Belgrade; Boris Čakširan, ERGstatus Dance Theatre, Dražen Zacero, Children's Friends of Serbia and Ana Marjanović Shane, PhD, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, USA Translators: Vuk Simić i Anđelija Jočić

The workshop draws on Migrant Birds, a short lyrical poem by Desanka Maksimović, well-known Serbian poetess, taught as a part of the curriculum. The workshop explores the topic of migrations and migrant, raising the issue of updating and transforming the current approach in discussing literary works in the secondary curriculum. The workshop is intended for teachers of literature, teachers of technical subjects and professional associates in secondary schools and constitutes a continuation and further expansion of EU DICE project (Drama Improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education, 2008-2011), whose protagonist in Serbia was CEDEUM with Pharmaceutical-Physiotherapeutic School as its programme partner.

X 17:00 PINOKIO PUPPET THEATRE Dora Theatre Company and Ma Company, Tokyo X WOVEN/AYANASU Author and director: Kenjiro Otani Running time: 75’ Music: Takuji Performers: Kyoko Sato. Machiko Shozaki, Ryo Harada, Kazuya Furudate, Naoko Takeuchi, Masaki Haga A non-verbal production for the young audience emerged from the research of relationships and effects of the disastrous earthquake in Japan in 2011. Ayanasu symbolises the family as a nucleus of every society. The key words are daily life, synchronicity, uniformity, memories, loneliness, grief, pressure, hope. The production conveys a powerful message about the fundamental and lasting values cultivated by the Japanese society, the strength and significance of an individual’s emotional stability, his/her relations with the world and the way in which he/she achieves it through togetherness. The production is a part of a tour organised by ASSITEJ Serbia in cooperation with Dora Theatre Company and Ma