
su laureatima 2013-2014. na Chemin de Creation-Pyrenees de cirque i najboljom internacionainom kompanijom na ACT festivalu 2014. Autori i izvođači: Maria Senter, Fabrizio Rosseili, Francesco Caspani X 28. SEPTEMBAR, 21:00, CZKD x TORTURE / CIRKORAMA (HR) Predstava cirkuske sadašnjosti Tortura (lat. tortus = „izokrenut“, franc. Torture = „pitanje", prema Didroovoj Enciktopediji ) an je namernog nanošenja fizičke ill psihičke boll s ciljem da se ispuni neka želja osobe koja vrši torturu ili da se žrtva navede na odredenu akciju. Po definiciji, tortura se vrši s namerom i znanjem. Tortura je zakonom zabranjena u vedni država... Zakonom zabranjena, ali ipak sveprisutna. Prigrlili smo torturu kao svakodnevni an i ritual, dnimo je sebi samima, mi - Ljudi iz Cirkusa. Višenje na udovima, bacanje sa visine, repeticije do iznemoglosti, prinuda da se bude u odredenim položajima, samo su neke od naših malih tortura koje dnimo sebi i

at the Best of Be Tour in 2013; in 2013-2014 they were the laureates of Le Chemin de Creation-Pyrenees de cirque and proclaimed the best international company at ACT Festival in 2014. Authors and performers: Maria Senter, Fabrizio Rosseili, Francesco Caspani X SEPTEMBER 28 th , 21:00, CZKD x TORTURE / CIRKORAMA (HR) A show of the circus present Tortura (lat. tortus = twisted, fr. Torture = question, according to Diderot’s Encyclopedie ) is an act of purposeful infliction of physical or mental pain in order to fulfil a wish of a person applying torture or induce the victim to perform a particular action. According to the definition, torture is applied with intent and knowledge. Torture is prohibited by law in most countries. Prohibited by law and nonetheless omnipresent. We have embraced torture as a daily act and a ritual, we do it to ourselves, we - the Circus People. Hanging by one’s limbs, throwing from a height, excruciating repeti-