
Partnern, koje se iz dana u dan ponavijaju s tendencijom da se povećava broj sati provedenih u prostoriji za mučenje tela. Nema poštede ni za psihu. Cilj? Mučimo sebe da bi nas priznali drugi. Na kraju sami sebi dajemo priznanje. Zasluženo!?! Troje izvođača na sceni pokušava pokretom i muzikom da prenese svoje videnje torture, prisutne u svakodnevnom društvenom životu i umetničkom stvaralaštvu, Koristeći definiciju reči tortura, i njene praktične oblike kao motive, izvođači ih implementiraju u izvođenje kroz muziku, akrobatiku, manipuiaciju objektima, VJ-ing... Ovde je reč o preispitivanju sitnih i ponešto većih mučenja koja činimo sebi i koja nam drugi čine na putu do sopstvenog umetničkog ostvarenja. Autor! i izvođači: Jadranka Žinić Mijatović, Nikola Mijatović, Bruno Motik

tions, forcing oneself into particular postures - these are just some of the small tortures we inflict upon ourselves and our partner, repeated day in day out with the tendency to increase the number of hours spent in a room designed for bodily torture. The psyche is not spared either. The goal? We torture ourselves so as to be recognised by others. In the end, we pay tribute to ourselves. Deservedly!?! Three performers on the stage try to convey their perception of torture present in everyday social life and artistic creation with the help of movement and music. By using the definition of the word ‘torture’ and its practical forms as motifs, the performers implement them through music, acrobatics, object manipulation, VJ-ing... The show speaks about the investigation of small and not so small tortures we inflict upon ourselves or the others inflict upon us on the road to our/their own artistic achievement. Authors and performers: Jadranka Žinić Mijatović, Nikola Mijatović, Bruno Motik

X 29. SEPTEMBAR, 21:00, CZKD x DEMAGOG / CIRKUSFERA (SR) (TREĆA PREMIJERA PREDSTAVE) Dođemo vam. Dodete nam! Pozivamo demagoge i demagoškinje svih boja, veličina i oblika, da dođu na skup povodom obeležavanja svetskog dana demagogije, i tim povodom pozivamo vas da proglasimo štrajk! Štrajk demagoga za novu eru demagogije! Uprava Upozorenja Demagoga takode javlja da će štrajk trajati do ispunjenja svih naših zahteva, tj, do sledećeg upozorenja demagoga. Dajte svoj doprinos dekonstrukciji savremenog konceptualnog slepstika, i želimo vam ugodno žuljanje. Autor! I izvođači: Milan Manić i Dušan Murić *Širenje demagogije deljenjem letaka demagoga bez izričite dozvote komunalnih službi nije dozvoljeno. Takođe, mi se izopštavamo izsituacija da neko iz publike nlje platio kartu ili porez ill struju Hi pretplatu, a prisustvuje našem prisustvovanju i ne govori da sene slaže. Ni u kom slučaju ne preuzimamo odgovornost niza kakve posledice. Ukoliko do štrajka dođe Hi ne dođe. Dođemo vam. Dođete nam.

29 th , 21:00, CZKD »«DEMAGOGUE / CIRKUSFERA (SR) (THE SHOW’S THIRD PREMIERE) Come, we owe you, you owe us! We invite demagogues and demagoguettes of all colours, sizes and shapes to come to the gathering marking the World Demagogy Day and seize the occasion to invite you to join us in the proclamation of a strike! A strike of demagogues for a new era of demagogy! The Management of Demagogue Warning also communicates that the strike will last until all our demands are met, i.e. until the next demagogue warning. Make your contribution to the deconstruction a modern conceptual slapstick and we wish you a pleasant callusing. Authors and performers: Milan Manić and Dušan Murić *Propagating demagogy by distributing demagogues’ leaflets without an explicit permission of the municipal services is not allowed. We also excommunicate ourselves from situations when a spectator failed to pay the ticket or tax or electricity or subscription, yet is present at our presence and does not say he disagrees. In no case do we assume the responsibility for any consequences whatsoever. If the strike does or does not happen. We owe you. You owe us.