
Program Bitef Amfiteatar posvećen je studentskim radovima, ali i zamišljen tako da studentima i profesorima pruži priliku za upoznavanje sa umetničkim praksama koje se ne izučavaju u kurikulumima lokalnih univerziteta, U okviru ovog programa bice predstavljena tri projekta: SCENska LABoratorija - studija slučaja Bitef predstavlja izložbu radova studenata Scenske arhitekture, tehnike i dizajna. fakulteta Tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu. Projekat Pravda organizuje Regionalna mreža akademija dramskih umetnosti, čiji su studenti pripremili sedam kratkih pozorišnih predstava o pravdi, koje će bit! premijerno prikazane u okviru ovog programa. Studenti i profesori okupljeni na Projektu Pravda imaće priliku da prisustvuju prezentaciji projekta Pozorište ipsiha, odnosno da učestvuju u radioed dramaterapije, na kojoj se ovaj projekat zasniva. Ovim programom, Bitef se otvara ka studentima, to jest mladim profesionaldma, ohrabrujud ih da nastave svoje umetničko usavršavanje, ali i pružajud im priliku da svoje radove predstave u kontekstu velikog, medunarodnog festivala.

x SCENska LABoratorija: STUDIJA SLUČAJA BITEF x 26-27. SEPTEMBAR Mentorka: Mia David Posle čitave godine istraživanja prostora koje je Bitef toko m svoje istorije otkrivao i animirao, studenti treće godine Scenske arhitekture, tehnike i dizajna sa Odeljenja za arhitekturu i urbanizam fakulteta Tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu be se na 50. Bitefu predstaviti umetničkim intervencijama na lokacijama koje se njima, današnjoj public!, koja je doživijaj gradila kroz arhivsku građu i tuda svedočenja, čine značajnim. X 26. SEPTEMBAR, 16:00 Vojnička kuhinja iz XVII veka na Kalemegdanu X (OD)USTATI Studenti: Stanko Gagrčin, Jelena Vreća, Jelena Milojković, Miroslav Živanov, Jovana Plavsic, Aieksandra Letić Prostor izmedu kapije Karla Šestog, Vojne kuhinje i Kule

The programme of Bitef Amphitheatre is dedicated to works done by students, conceived to offer opportunity to students and their professors to learn about artistic practices used in the curricula of local universities. Three projects will be presented: SCENe LABoratory - a Bitef Case Study is an exhibition of works by students of stage architecture, techniques and design of the Technical Sciences Faculty in Novi Sad; Justice is organised by the Regional Network of Academies of Dramatic Arts: their students have prepared seven short theatre pieces about justice, which will have their premiere on this occasion. Students and teachers involved in the project will be able to attend the presentation of a project called Theatre and Psyche and participate in a drama therapy workshop which served as its point of departure. This programme opens Bitef to students and young professionals encouraging them to continue with their artistic education and offering them a chance to present their works within the context of a big international festival.

* SCENe Laboratory BITEF CASE STUDY x SEPTEMBER 26-27™ Mentor: Mia David After a year-long research of spaces Bitef discovered and breathed life into in the course of its history, third-year students of stage architecture, techniques and design will present to the public artistic interventions at sites which they, today’s spectators, who have experienced them only through library material and other people's testimonies, perceive as significant. X SEPTEMBER 26™, 16:00 17 th century army kitchen, Kalemegdan X GETTING OFF/UP Students; Stanko Gagrčin, Jelena Vreća, Jelena Milojković, Miroslav Živanov, Jovana Plavšić, Aieksandra Letić The space between the Gate of Charles VI, Army Kitchen and Kula Nebojša was used for productions address-