
Nebojše korišćen je za igranje predstava koje se bave ~velikim" temama (ratovi, borbe za slobodu, građenje država, velike istorijske I životne odluke). Upravo zato u radu (Od)ustati studenti pokušavaju da definišu šta je to što ih sprečava da deluju. Baveći se temom straha, birajući krevet kao simbol sigurnog mesta, pozivaju nas da osvestimo ono u nama što nas sprečava da budemo slobodni. X 26. SEPTEMBAR, 17:00 x SVEDOK Studenti: Tanja Žarić, Andreja Rondović, Jelena Stojkečić, Aleksandra Polić, Bojana Nikolič, Una Jankov Barutana je izgrađena pre tri veka na lokaciji koja je aktivna već 2000 godina. Svetilište, rituali, grobnice, kao I mnoga übistva, deo su identiteta koji se ne može zanemariti. Rad Svedok osvetljava fragmente istorije, ali I lične priče pokrenute duhom mesta. Posetioci su pozvani da „opipaju“ deliće prošlosti upisane u kontekstu Barutane,

X 27. SEPTEMBAR, 17:00 Dvorište pozorišta Atelje 212 X SUOČENJE Student!: Aleksandra Rakić, Dušan Vukmirović, Iva llić, Maja Vujović, Tamara Tomanić, Željka Jakovljević Rad Suočenje oslanja se na ključne motive drame Oslobođenje Skopija Dušana Jovanovića, igrane na Bitefu 1978. godine. Predstava u režiji Ljubiše Ristića znatno je obeležila prostor dvorišta Ateljea 212. Trideset osam godina kasnije ovaj prostor izgleda drugačije, zapisi o predstavi su retki i ne mogu dočarati famu koja prati predstavu. U heterogenom prostoru današnjeg dvorišta Ateljea 212, studenti pokušavaju da prepoznaju ambijente gradeći u njima neke od scena. Pet instalacija eine dramaturšku celinu, suočavajući publiku sa univerzalnim pitanjima Strahova, vrednosti i ideala.

ing ‘major’ subjects (wars, struggles for freedom, state building, major historical and life decisions). In this work students try to define what it is that prevents them from taking action. They address the subject of fear and having chosen a bed as a symbol of a safe place, invite us to awaken that within us that prevents us from being free. X SEPTEMBER 26 th , 17:00 x WITNESS Students: Tanja Žarić, Andreja Rondović, Jeiena Stojkečić, Aleksandra Polić, Bojana Nikolić, Una Jankov Barutana (Gunpowder House) was built three centuries ago at a place active for 2000 years. A sanctuary, rituals, tombs and many murders are a part of its identity not to be ignored. Witness sheds light on fragments of history and personal stories set in motion by the spirit of the place. The visitors are invited to ’finger’ bits of the past inscribed in the context of Barutana. X SEPTEMBER 27™, 17:00 Atelje 212 Yard X CONFRONTATION Students; Aleksandra Rakić, Dušan Vukmirović, Iva llić, Maja Vujović, Tamara Tomanić, Žeijka Jakovljević

Confrontation draws on key motifs of Dušan Jovanović’s play The Liberation of Skopje shown at Bitef in 1978. The production directed by Ljubiša Ristić left a significant mark on the yard of Atelje 212. Thirty-eight years later, the space looks different; there is very little on record about that production and it cannot recreate the atmosphere of the legendary performance. In the heterogeneous space of Atelje 212 yard today, students attempt to identify the milieus by constructing some of the scenes in them. Five installations are the dramaturgical unit, confronting the public with universal issues of fear, values and ideals.