Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking



Advisory Board: All Benedictine Abbots of the United States and Canada;

the Most Rev. Sebastian Mess-—

mer, D.D.; Sir Theodore F. MacManus, LL.D., Com. of K.S.G.

Board of Trustees: Rt. Rev. Aurelius

Stehle, O.S.B., D.D., LL.D.; Very Rev.G.B.O’Toole, Ob1.S.B., Ph.D., S.T.D.; the Rt. Hon. Ch’en Yiian; Very Rey. Prior Ildephonse, O.S. B.; Dom Callistus Stehle, O.S.B.; Dom Francis Clougherty, O.S.B., LL.D.; Dom Placidus Rattenberger, O.S.B.; Mr. Ignatius Ying-ki; Most Rev. Celso Costantini, D.D.; Rt. Rev. Joseph Fabrégues, D.D.; Rt. Rev. Philip Chao, D.D; Rt. Rey. Melchior Sun, D.D,; Rt.Rev. Aloysius Ch’en, D.D. The Rt. Hon. Mr. Fu Tseng-hsiang; the Rt. Hon. Mr. C. P. Hsii; Mr. Mu Yiian-fu; Mr. Shen Chienshih. Executive Committee: V. Rev. G. B. O'Toole, Obl.S.B., Ph.D., S.T.D.; the Rt. Hon. Mr. Ch’en Yiian; Dom Callistus Stehle, O.S.B.;

Dom Francis Clougherty, O.S.B., LL.D.; Mr. Ignatius Ying-ki. Financial Committee: V. Rev. Prior Ildephonse, O.S.B.; V. Rev. G. B. - O'Toole, Cbl.S.B., Ph.D., S.T.D.;

the Rt. Hon. Mr. Ch’en Yiian; Dom Callistus Stehle,O.S.B.; Dom Placidus Rattenberger, O.S.B.

Chancellor: Rt. Rev. Aurelius Stehle, O'S 18-5 IDID)., JEILID:

Rector: V. Rev. G. B. O’Toole, Obl.S.B., i) Sales

Vice—Rector: The Rt. Hon. Mr. Ch’en Yiian.

Director of Instruciion: Appointment pending.

Dean of Chinese Studies: The Rt. Hon. Mr. Ch’en Yiian.

Dean of Western Studies: V. Rev. G. B. O’Toole, Obl.S.B., Ph.D., S.T.D.

Director of Admunistration: Appointment pending.

Treasurer: Dom Callistus Stehle, O.S.B.

_Disciplinarian: Dom Francis Clough-

erty, O.S.B., LL.D. Registrar: Mr. Ignatius Ying-ki.

OFFICERS or INSTRUCTION (A) Department of Chinese Letters

CH’EN YUAN, Professor and Head of Department:

Member of the House of Deputies for the Hsin Hui District, 1912; Vice-Minister of Education, 1921; Special Lecturer (Tao Shih) at the National and Normal universities; Director of the Ex-Imperial Library.

SHEN CHIEN SuHIn, Lecturer in Chinese Etymology and H1story of Etymological Research. Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Chinese Studies at the National

Unwersity of Peking.

CHu SHIH CH’EN, Lecturer in Library Science: Graduated from the Kiang-Nan Superior College in 1896; Vice-Director of the Anhwei Provincial Library, 1904; Professor of Chinese at the High Normal College of Anhwei, 1909; Under-Secretary to the Cabinet,