Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking



(D) Department of Philosophy

V.Rey.G. B.O’Too.e, ObI.S.B., Ph.D.,S.T.D., Professor and Head of Department:

M.A., St. John’s University, Toledo, Ohio; Ph.D., University of the

Propaganda, Rome, Italy, 1908, S.T.D., 1912; Professor of Philosophy

at St. Vincent College and Seminary, Latrobe, Pa., 1917; Professor of

Animal Biology, Seton Hill College, Greensburg, Pa., 1919; Professor of

Dogmatic Theology at St. Vincent Seminary, Latrobe, Pa., 1922; Columbia University, 1923.

Dom GreGory SCHRAMM, O.S.B., Professor of Psychology: : B.A., St. Anselm College, Manchester, N. H., 1918; S.T.L., St. Vincent College and Seminary, Latrobe, Pa., 1925; M.A., Catholic Univer- _ sity, Washington, D.C., 1926; Columbia University, 1926-1928.

(E) Preparatory Department

Dom SYLVESTER Hearty, O.S.B., M.A., Professor of Mathematics and Acting Head of Department:

_ B.A., University of Detroit, 1912; B.A., University of Michigan, 1913; St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., 1914-1918; M.A., Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1921; Instructor in Mathematics at the Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit, Mich., 1921-1923; Professor of Mathematics, Pei Wen Academy, Kaifeng, 1923-1927.

Kuo Cura SHENG, Chin Shih, Lecturer in Chinese Literature and Composition:

Received the Chu Jen or M.A. Degree in 1893; received the Chin Shth

or Doctorate of Literature in 1903; graduated from the Law Department

of the College of Doctors in 1906;formerly Head of the Department for

Advancement of Agriculture in the Ministry of Agriculture; President of

No. 8 National Primary School; Professor of Chinese at No. 3 Middle

School, Peking; entitled Shuo Hstieh T’ung Ju (“Scholar of Exalted Learning”) by the Ministry of Education.

Dom Damian WHELAN, O.S.B., M.A., Instructor in English and Western History: M. A., St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa.; Instructor in United States History, St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pa.

Hone Ta, Lecturer in General Science and Elementary Logic: Graduate of the University of London; former Commissioner of Education for the Province of Anhui.

HuanG Lune FANG, Lecturer in Civics and Elementary Economics: LL.B., Imperial University of Tokyo; formerly Secretary to the Minister of Justice.

Wu Kuo CHANG, Lecturer in Mathematics and Elementary Physics: Graduate of the Higher Normal College, Wuchang; Director of Studies at the Nan-Chi Middle School, Peking.