Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking


Rev. Cart M. Raut, M.A., Lecturer in English and Physical Geography: St. Charles College, Maryland, 1909-1913; Secretary to the President of Mt. St. Mary’s College, 1915-1918; Instructor in Physical Geography and History, Mt. St. Mary’s College, 1915-1918; Instructor in English and Mathematics at Port Dey. School, A.E.F., France, 1918-1919; B.A., Mt. St. Mary’s College, 1922, M.A., 1924; Instructor in English, Physical Geography, and Political Geography, Pei Wen Academy, Kaifeng,


Dom Prius DE CocQuEau, O.S.B., Instructor in French: Graduated from the Collége St. Joseph, Alost, Belgium, 1899; Abbaye de Maredsous, 1908; Abbaye de St. André, 1920.

From August 1 to August 13, applications for the Entrance Examinations were received, and during this period over three hundred candidates presented themselves at the Registrar's Office. The Medical Examination of the applicants (in charge of Dr. James Ingram) commenced on the morning of August 15, and was followed by the Entrance Examinations which began on August 18, 1927. One hundred and fifty-five students succeeded in passing these tests and having their _mames entered on the University Register. Sixty of these were Catholics.

The Inaugural Day was set for September 26, 1927, and the University was never so crowded as on that memorable occasion. In addition to the Faculty and student-body, more than one hundred distinguished guests, representing the intellectual élite of the Chinese Capital assembled to: honor with their presence the Official Inauguration of the Fu Jen Ta-hstieh or Catholic University of Peking. To those intimately connected with the University, it was a never-to-be-forgotten spectacle, an impressive scene upon which they might always look back in future years with feelings of pardonable pride.

The speeches and all outstanding events of the day were faithfully chronicled in the leading newspapers of North China. One-of them, the Yz Sith Pao, besides printing in full the the Address with which His Excellency, the Apostolic Delegate, honored the occasion, carried the following account which we translate for the benefit of our American Friends:

“The Official Opening Of The Catholic University”

“Tn a previous issue of the Vz Shik Pao, our readers were informed of the purchase of the Palace of T’ao Pei-le by the Benedictine Society of the Catholic Church for the purpose of founding a university.

“After the Fall Entrance Examinations, the said Institution was formally opened on the 26th instant. The ceremony took place in the University Chapel at 11 A.M. Among those present were Mr. Liu Chéh, the Minister of Education, and ten other officials of the same Ministry, Archbishop Costantini, Papal Representative in China and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University, and other members of this Board, including the Rt. Honorable Fu Tseng-hsiang, Mr. Mu Yiianfu, the entire Staff of the Institution,