Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking

August I, 1927:

August TA, 1027:

August 15, 1927:

August 18, 1927:

August 25, 1927:


From this date to August 13, the applications of aspiring students were received at the Registrar’s Office. ‘The total number of applications received during August and September exceeded 300.

Rev. F. X. Clougherty, LL.D., is invested with the cowl and enters the Benedictine novitiate at Peking as Dom Francis, O.S.B., A short biographical sketch of Dom Francis appears in the Faculty list given in the first article of the present number of the Bulletin.

The first Medical Examination of the students was held between this date and August 17 inclusively. It was conducted by Dr. James H. Ingram, Medical Adviser of the Catholic University of Peking.

The first Entrance Examination (in Chinese, English, French, and Mathematics) began on this date and ended on August 20. The second Entrance Examination took place during the early part of September. The number of students accepted as a result of these examinations was 155. Of these, 60 were Catholics.

Dom Placidus Rattenberger, O.S.B., and Dom Placidus Houtmeyers of the Catholic University of Peking, and Fathers Kerin and Leclere of Kaifeng, sailed from Tientsin en route for the United States. Dom Placidus Houtmeyers, a member of St. Martin’s Abbey, Lacey, Washington, had been in feeble health for years, but despite his physical condition, was eager to devote himself to missionary work in China. Shortly after his return, he was obliged to go to the hospital, where he died on February 5, 1928. Dom Placidus Rattenberger is still active in the States in behalf of the Catholic University of Peking.

September 20, 1927: Dom Thomas Ohm, O.S.B., a professor of the Benedictine

University of Salzburg, Austria, who had been a guest of the Catholic University of Peking during the early part of September, left for Korea on this date. St. Peter Abbey, Salzburg, is a sixth-century monastery, which has maintained a continuous existence from the time of its foundation down to the