Chinese and Sumerian


SHAG, SHANGA,SHAB,SHA, heart. The middle. 7981 ff.

(2) SHAG, to be clothed in (/aéésu), 7989; under or lower clothing (sapz/¢z), 7992. Phonetic use of heart-character.

(3) SHAG, to hurt, injure, destroy (MULSHAG = £adlu, injurious man). 7985. Phonetic use.

SHAB, to pluck; to cut off; to slit or split; to tear. (Szgz also read SAB and SIB.) 5667. 5672f. SHAB-GAL, merchant, trader (damgaru). 5679.

SHAG, white, bright (C. 7. xii. 6); of ZAG in A-ZAG, white.

SHAG, SHA, SHANGA, bright, pure, gracious; happy, lucky (and corresponaang verbs). To make prosperous. Good. Br. 7285 ff. To melt, smelt, refine (metals). See4R.14.18b. (A Treesymbol, viz. the palm.)

SHAG, bright, white, pure (Sz-syméo/), C. 7. xii. 6. Of SHA, brilliance, of heavenly bodies (sardruz). Br. 2577.

SHA, NA, AG, from SHA-G, NA-G, GA-G (= DAG), to act, to do, to make, C. 7. xii. 10. The sign ts also read ME, to do (of. Chinese wei, to do).


SHAM (= NAM = LAM), herb, plant. 6027. Cf NUM, LUM, GUM, to sprout, to grow.

SHAM, price; to buy. 4678.

Also SAM.



*sém, sim, sang, hsin, the heart. (sam = sab, Sab.)

shang, shdng, siong, ziae, sang, J. sh, the lower garments. 9734.


shang, shéng, siae (J. sho), to wound ; to injure. 9742.

shép, ship, shih, to pick up, pluck (flowers). 9963.

tap (P. 263), to, ta, chop; mince. 11326.

tap (P. 522), to, ta, clip; shorten. 11390.

tap (P. 35), to, chi, ch‘a, J. shi, sha, to split. 11379.

chap, cha, A. sap, to cut up fodder. 184.

tap (P. 629), ch'a, K. J. A. sa, to hew, fell, chop. 198.

sap, sa, tattered, torn, of clothes, 9540; of. sap, sa, A. tap, sound of breaking, 9539 (Goth P. 882).

shou, shau, to sell (from shap, dzap; cf PP. 851; 1017). 10020.

shang, to trade (sham=shab). 9738.

sok (P. 634), sou, su, so, white, 10348. ch‘ag-an, Mongol zd.

shwang, soung, swang, K. A. sang, J. so, sho, bright; happy. 10125.

ch‘ang, ts‘ang, J. sho, A. hsdng, sunlight ; shining ; prosperous; to make prosperous; good. 427 (P. 496).

*ch‘6k, shuo, melt metals; bright (P. 978) 10175,

ch‘dk, shuo, sha, so, sak, sho, K. sak, J. shaku, saku, A. tk, bright, brilliant, 10174. (P. 978: a Tree-symbol.)

tso, tsok, chauk, tsak, K. chak, J. saku, A. tak, to act, todo, to make. 11741.

tso, tsou, tsu, K. chu, J. so, sa, A. tou, to make, to do. 11761 (vulgar form of 11741).

zhung, yung, zung, lung, J. sho, A. nyung, growing plants, young shoots (P. 694 : nom). 5736.

shém, sem, sén, seing, sang, J. shin, A. sum, luxuriant vegetation ; overgrown. 9616.

swan, slin, Swang, san, to reckon; to settle (accounts). 10378.

shang, sang, to deliberate; to trade. 9738 (= sham).