Chinese and Sumerian


SHAM zz GA-SHAM, wise, deep, shrewd, intelligent. 2652 ff. SHANABI, forty. 10018. _

SHAR (also read BAR), sanctuary, shrine, holy place. The first month, as the month of the Spring sacrifices. (sru,; of. Ethiopic meswar, penetrale. Vid. Di. Lex. col. 385.) 6879.

SHAR (=NAR), sharp, pointed, of a weapon (zagtu). 4346.

SHE, SHEG, SHED) SID Sto gbe quiet, to rest; Zvans. to appease (Br. 3062); TE, TEG, z@.; SIG, zd. (Br. 5584).

(2) SHE, SHEG, SHED), ‘rost, cold, ice, snow, sleet, hail, or the like. Adso

SHUG (tz A-SHUGI). 3061; 3063ff.

SHE, SHUG, corn, grain. ESHSHU (from AN-SHUG), ear of corn. 7421; 7433; 74731; 422.

(2) SHE, SHUG (=TUG, zz GESHTUG, ear; to hear), to hear; listen ; grant. 7428; 7434. Cogn. perhaps DIL, TAL (from DIN, TAN), to listen to. 22. Vid. GEL-DAN,

TAL, s.v. ME.

(3) SHUG, to take. 7426. See TUG, TUK, za.

SHESH, SHIS, brother (a4). 6437.

(2) SHESH, the pelican. SISH, C. 7. xiv. 13. (marratu ,; assur tubdkt, ‘bird of vomiting’.) 6445. Wratten brother + bird.

(3) SHESH, SHISSI, bitter (of taste) ; bad, evil. 6440 ff. Cf SI(ZIN), gall; bitterness (martu). 4196. (SHESH, bitter: sin, zd. = NISH, twenty: nien, 2d.

eae wailing, lamentation ; 10815. SHESH-SHESH, to wail, weep, lament. 10817. (dimmatu ; damimtu bakt..)

I-SISH, weeping; grief; crying.




shai, shih, to buy on credit, 9970 (P. 152: shap = sham).

shéng, shing, shin, from shim (P. 886), wise, asage. 9892.

sap, hsi, forty (obsolete. Chalmers, 22). Possible contraction of shanabi.

shé, sha, sia, J. sha, A. hsa, altars of the spirits of the land. Spring and autumn sacrifices to the spirits. (sha-t ; P.132a.) 9803.

Zui, you, nwei, O..S. nut, not (P. 358), sharp-pointed weapon. 5727. (P. 358 zs also shet or shot.)

si, sik, sit, J. seki, A. tik, to breathe, to sigh, to rest; to appease (P. 676). 4034.

sit, hsiieh, set, siok, shéh, hswik, J. set-,

snow; ice. 4845. shwang, song, hoar-frost; cold. 10120.

(Cf. SHUG=SHUNG.) suk, su, sdtik, siuk, hsiu, K. sok, J. soku, A. tuk, grain. 10340. P. 826a, sok.

ting, tin, tiang, K. ch‘éng, J. tei, to hear ; listen; comply with. P.1037b, tim, 11299. Cf. ling, to hear (lim = dim), 7210.

*ti, tei, Amoy te, di, younger brother. From tit (see PP. 226; 301). 10950. Cf. Fap. ototo, zd.

*t'i, the pelican. 10999. Fron tit (PP. 226; 301). Wratten brother + bird like the Sumerian term.

*hsin, sin, J. shin, bitter. 4564. ds a Phonetic, 296, also read sit or tit (RXO50) sa” .

t'i, K. ch‘e, J. tei, A. t'e, to weep; tears. 10991. From tit (PP. 226; 301).