Chinese and Sumerian


&c. Prob. MU N, U-MUN, was a synonym of UG, 7 Sumerian. U-MUN, face (fdnu). 10281.

U-MUSH, message (szfrum). 10552. (MUSH = WUSH = USH, mu, message. 10557. Primary sound GUSH.)

UN, UNU, abode, dwelling, seat, habitation (§udtum). (From GUN=GAN, GWAN? 4791; 6447. Cf EN, E, house; GA,zd.) 4790. Vid. UNUGI(N), Hades; ‘the Dark Abode’.

UN, UNU, flock, herd (wtud/z). 8880. (From GUN, 4791; of. NI-GIN; UKKIN.) UR (from GUR), loins, hips; the lap (of ether sex); the bottom, foundation of buildings, &c.; legs (sinu; utlu ; asd). 4832; 48351. Char. D. 309 (stde-view of a man's seat and legs).

Vid. GIR, foundation.

*UR (from GUR), URA, old; to age (labetru,; labaru). 9464f. Also read SI, weak. V72d. SI, SIG, old.

UR(URU), ER (ERI), a place or settlement of any kind, small or large (a/wm). 892. (from GUR=DUR, asabu, to dwell. CfalsoGA-L, dwelling ; GAL, as syn. of UR, 940.)

UR (from GUR), URU, to plant; to till (és). 1023.

UR (URUD), male (zzkaru). 3670. Cognate: USH zd.,; ¢.v.

UR (from GUR), URU, a value of the Dog-symbol. 11255. (Cf UR-MAG, Great Dog=lion; UR-BAR, leopard, or the ike; UR-DIM, mad or raging hound, &c.) (The char. UR, also read LI, TASH, is a pictogram of the uplifted forepaw of a dog: vid. D. 438, and of. ku wén form of G. 3192=R. 94 = P. 72.)



myn, mien, men, mieng, the face; the front. 7886.

wei, wi, yii, A. hui, ui, to send. 12557. O..S. gu, mu @f. PP. 457; 167).

kien, kan, ka, J. ken, A. gian, Det. of houses; Ti-ki kien, which house? fangkien, houses. 1601. yen, J. gen, gon, A. yem, roof. R. 53.

king, kin, K. kyéng, region; district ; residence. 2167.

kitiin, k‘wén, Am. kun, J. gun (gun-san), a flock of sheep; aherd. 3304.

ku, O..S. kut (P. 103), thighs; rump; legs. 6227. (kut=kur, gur.)

ki, O..S. git (= gut, gur), foundation. 850. P.435. wét, kt, k‘u, mates. 6273.

k'ua, kwa, k'wo, the legs; the space. between them; the thighs. 6321; bones of pelvis. 6325. O..5S. kok; kot? (P. 236; cf P. 10.)

*ki, ki, O. S. git (=gir, gur), P. 644, old. 1099. As a Phonetic, also shi, si, 9957 f (zhik).

*ku, ku, O.S. kot (>kok: P. 153), ancient; old. 6188.

k‘u, k‘Gu, ki, K. J. ku, a place; a dwelling; a hamlet; a petty locality (WW). 3088. P. 749 (ku, gu, gut).

kii, ku, chii, to dwell; dwellings; the settled parts of a country(WW.). 2987. OS. ku-t (>kok; P. 441).

k‘tit, kiieh, to dig; to rake. 3221. Cf 3246. ku, A.k‘ut, fieldwork. 6265.

érh, i, ngi, orh, male. 3333. (ngit=gir = gur.)

hyt, Am. giet, hieh, hih, A. yet, a fierce dog; a sort of bulldog or mastiff. 4358. (giet=gish or gir, gur.) (mung, méng,a fierce dog; wrztten dog + great.

i, O..S. gi, gi-t, a fierce, strong dog (WW.). 5366. P.408. ngou, ao, ngo,a large dog; Tibet mastiff? 90. P. 741 (go-t > go-k ?).