Chinese calligraphy : an introduction to its aesthetic and technique : with 6 plates and 155 text illustratons

CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY (1) Double figures : Chii (#8), looking at both sides, a ae, Ping (dé), standing together, Dan Ad.

(iii) Combined figures : Fu (ff), quiver, yh ai Mitt > two or three arrows —

in the quiver.

Shé ($$), to shoot, ly As fy an arrow, a

bow and a hand. (iv) Complex figures : & +,

Chiang (4%), boundary or border, 2 $@



two fields with a stream or sand-hill between.

Chi (ib), corn-flail or winnower, = iy a corn-

flail set on a stand. Simple figures are easy to detect from the pen-strokes, position and outline. They are constructed upon the characteristic shape of the object, such as:

Hsiang (&),

elephant, Bri S 有 人 2 GH, (lia), Clese e, 臣

萬 / ( 虎 ), ttger,

Chitian (XK), io