Chinese Journal of Physiology


10 to 80 sec. for ephetonin. At the time when the blood pressure reached its maximum the nasal volume continued to increase, and reached its maximum during the returning phase of the blood pressure rise. See table 2.

When ephedrine was injected previous to ephetonin the ratio of mazimal shrinkage Was:

Ephetonins . 0.76 (Average from 4 experiments)

Ephedrine ‘ °

When ephetonin was injected first and ephedrine afterwards, the ratio was:


Boheme = 0.75 (Average from 2 experiments).

Average ratio:


Bphedemne aol

Figure 1 demonstrates a typical experiment.

The duration, after small doses of 0.2 mg per kg, of the shrinkage of the nasal mucosa is not the same, it being more prolonged in the case of ephedrine than with ephetonin in the ratio of 1 to 0.74. Three minutes after intravenous injection of ephedrine the increased nasal volume was gradually lowered to 93 per cent of the maximal effect and to 69 per cent when ephetonin was used.

6. Blood pressure.

In the same experiments with a dosage of 0.17 to 0.23 mg per kg, when ephedrine was injected before ephetonin, we obtained the following ratios of blood pressure effect.


Bas (N59 , ents).

Beneaene ).53 (Average from three experiments)

When ephetonin was given before ephedrine:

Ephetonin , oo scat

Baneeninici 0.83 (Average from three experiments). Average ratio:

Ephetonin ;

Shee 685

Ephedrine o8

Three minutes after injection the blood pressure came down to 68 per cent of the maximal rise in the case of ephedrine and to 34 per cent for