Chinese Journal of Physiology



Comparison of the maximal effects of small doses of ephedrine and ephetonin upon the nasal volume and blood pressure of dogs

(a) Ephedrine injected first


Dose Increases in nasal volume Increases in blood pressure Order of

per kg | niRaanne: : - = = . —~ ; mg | injections Maximal After 8 |]. Ephedrine|2. Ephetonin| Maximal After 3 |1. Ephedrine] 2. Ephetonin

| effect min. _|¥.Ephetonin|1,Ephedrine| _ effect min, |Z, Ephetonin|1.Ephedrine 4

0,2 Dog 6, 15.9 kg mm* mm mm Hg mm Hg 1, Ephedrine 55 ' 62 22 0,82 30 22 38.00 0,33

2. Ephetonin 45 o7 10 6

3. Ephedrine 50 46 18 12

0.17 Dog o, 11.8 kg

1, Ephedrine 35 32 L21 0.83 34 22 1.30 0,76 2. Ephetonin 29 24 ; 26 16 3. Ephedrine - 82 27 29. 17 0.2 Dog 3, 10 kg 1. Ephedrine 54 50 1.35 0,74. 43, 29 1.95 0,61 2. Ephetonin 40 b4 22 16 3, Ephedrine 36 35 22 Is OZ Dog B, 9.2kg 1. Ephedrine 17 1] 1,55 0.65 = = 2, Ephetonin 11 8 2) 8 3. Ephedrine 14 Y ud 12 Ee ee a eee eee *The number of mm is taken from the measurement of the distance between the original level and the tangent of the curve, which represented the change of nasal volume.