Egyptian religious poetry, S. 103
Praise to Thoth, the son of Ré, the Moon beautiful in his rising, lord of bright appearings who illumines the gods. Hail to thee, Moon, Thoth, Bull of Heliopolis, who spreads out the seat of the gods, who knows their mysteries, who establishes their commands; he who sifts evidence, who makes the evil deed rise up against the doer, who judges all men. Let us praise Thoth, the exact plummet of the balance, from whom evil flees, who accepts him who avoids evil, the Vizier who gives judgment, who vanquishes crime, who recalls all that is forgotten, the remembrancer of time and eternity, who proclaims the hours of the night, whose words abide for ever.
[J-E.A., x, p- 3]
7 Verse transcription to No. 6
Hart to thee, Thoth, the child of the Sun, the Moon who arises in beauty,
Lord of all brightness, the Light of the gods, all praises are thine and all worship.
Bull of Hermopolis, spreading the seats of the gods in the height of the heavens.
Judge of mankind, the laws of the gods are entrusted to him for enforcement,
Vanquishing crime as Vizier of the Lord he judges the good and the evil,
1 Written by King Har-em-heb while still a scribe.