Greatness of Shiva : Mahimnastava of Pushpadanta with commentary


7 Though the ways differ which are spoken of in the threefold Vedat Sangkhya,? Yogashastra,* the doctrine of Pashupatit and Vaishnava Shastra” ; Though some take this and others that to be the better

And followers of the various paths both direct and indirect® dispute

Yet Thou alone art the goal of all a As is the ocean of every river.’

1 Trayi that is Azk, Yajus and Sama. The Karmakanda of the Vedas deals with ritual action (Karma) and Sakamadharmma. The Upanishads preach Dhyana of the Chinmatrangbrahma, Niskkama Dharmma and the attainment of Moksfa through Jana,

2 Kapila says that we must first enjoy and then relinquish enjoyment attaining Mokska through Vivekajzana on which is realised the difference between Prakriti and Purusha. This Tattvajvana destroys Karma. As it is elsewhere said first Bhoga and then Yoga.

3 Which preaches Mukti through Samadhi.

4 That is the doctrine of Shiva according to the five Amnayas. There is no difference between Ishvara and Moksha. Non-dualistic Tattvajwana is Moksha.

5 Such asthe Naradapancharatra, Vaish#zava doctrine which treats of Pradyumva, Aniruddha, Sangkarshana, and Vasudeva.

6 drt “ curved and straight.”

7 Having in the previous verse replied to those who are “not towards God” (Bhagavadvimukhan) the Hymnist in this verse speaks of the different ways by which He may be reached. Though the ways may differ their end is the same namely the same Unity so variously sought,