Greatness of Shiva : Mahimnastava of Pushpadanta with commentary


What means does he use ? what materials does He employ ?!

From what does He take support ??

Such wicked questioning so ignorant of Thine unimagined greatness®

Leads some senseless men to talk for the delusion of the world.

6 But is it possible+ that the worlds with all their parts® are uncreate ? Can the universe be without a Supporter of it 9 Who else but God creates the world ?§ Oh Lord of the Immortals Such men have doubts concerning Thee because of their folly.

1 Referring to instrumental and material causes such as in the first case the thread, wheel and stick of the potter and in the second the earth with which the pot is made.

2 A potter for instance must take his seat on something.

3 The answer to all this talk is that it is His play (Lila). It is His nature. It is the “Godness” of God (etad eva ishvarasya ishvaratvam) that is He can do all this without being bound by human limitations which if they existed would destroy His Godhead. (J. C.)

4 He now in answer to the objections of the previous verse gives proof of the existence of God.

5 It is only the formless without parts which is uncreated as J. C. says Nirakarasyaivajanyatvat. All things with parts (Savayava) are born or created. The universe, therefore, which has parts, is created.

6 But then it is said assuming that they are created what is the proof that it is your God who is the creator. To which the answer is who else but God can create? We are not dealing with some fractional things but with the whole universe with its fourteen worlds. He, who can do this, must have knowledge of the “three times” past, present and future and must be of an almighty power. Such an one is


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