Greatness of Shiva : Mahimnastava of Pushpadanta with commentary


32 Oh Lord!? if the Giver of Happiness? Were to write for all time With a pen made from a branch of the best of all celestial trees® Using the whole earth as Her leaf* With a black mass of ink As wide as the great ocean Still would it be impossible to express The fullness of Thy attributes

22 rere) He whose teeth are like flowers® The Chief of the Gandharvas® Servant of the Deva of Devas? crested with the crescent moon Having lost his greatness through Mahdadeva’s wrath® Has made this best of hymns in praise of the greatness of Shiva,

1 In this celebrated verse he sums up what has hitherto been said as to Shiva’s greatness.

2 Sharada that is Sarasvati Goddess of wisdom and learning ; Tor not wealth but knowledge gives happiness.

3 These are Mandira, Parijata, Santana, Harichandana Kalpavrikska. According to J.C. Parijata is here meant

4 Patram: as we should say, with anachronism, paper.

5 Kushumadashana or Puskpadanta the author of the Hymn whose teeth are compared to jasmin petals.

6 Devayoni who according to the Visinu Puramza were sons of Brahma “born imbibing melody” celestial musicians and choristers who play and sing at the banquets of the Devas belonging together with the Apsaras their wives to Indra’s heaven.

7 The “great Deva” a title of Shiva.

8 See anfe introduction.