History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


VI. Every marriage contracted after the commencement of Certifeate ana this Act shall, immediately on the solemnisation registry of mar- thereof, be certified by the officiating priest in me the form contained in the Schedule to this Act. The certificate shall be signed by the said priest, the contracting parties, or their fathers or guardians when they shall not have completed the age of twenty-one years, and two witnesses present at the marriage ; and the said priest shall thereupon send such certificate, together with a fee of Rs.2 to be paid by the husband, to the registrar of the place at which such marriage is solemnised. The registrar, on receipt of the certificate and fee, shall enter the certificate in a register to be kept by him for that purpose, and shall be entitled to retain the fee.

VII. For the purposes of this Act a registrar shall be ap-

Appointment of pointed, who may be the registrar appointed Tegistiar- under Act XVI. of 1864 (to provide for the Ltegistration of Assurances). Within the local limits of the ordinary original civil jurisdiction of a High Court, the registrar shall be appointed by the Chief Justice of such Court, and, without such limits, by the local government. Every registrar so appointed may be removed by the Chief Justice or local government appointing him.

VIII. The Register of Marriages mentioned in the sixth secMarriage register tion shall, at all reasonable times, be open for to be open for pub- inspection; and certified extracts therefrom Herispection. shall, on application, be given by the registrar on payment to him by the applicant of Rs.2 for each such extract. Every such register shall be evidence of the truth of the statements therein contained.

IX. Any priest knowingly and wilfully solemnising any marriage contrary to and in violation of the fourth Penalty for sol- a Soe : emnising marriage Section shall, on conviction thereof, be punished coneary to section with simple imprisonment for a term which . may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to Rs.200, or with both,

X. Any priest neglecting to comply with any of the requisi-