History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


after to be created, according to the priority and seniority of his creation of a Baronet aforesaid, and not otherwise nor in other manner, And moreover, of Our more abundant grace and of Our certain knowledge and mere motion, We have granted, and do by these Presents for Us, our Heirs and Successors, grant unto the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and his said Heirs male, that neither We, nor Our Heirs or Successors, will hereafter erect, ordain, constitute, or create within this Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, any other degree, order, name, title, style, dignity, or state, nor give or grant place, precedences, or pre-eminence to any person under or below the degree, dignity, or state of a Baron of Parliament of this Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, who shall be, or may be, or accounted, used, or reputed to be, superior or equal to the degree, dignity, or place of a Baronet aforesaid; nor shall any person under the degree of a Baron (except before excepted), by reason or colour of any constitution, order, dignity, degree, office, service, place, business, custom, use, or other thing whatsoever, now or hereafter have, hold, or enjoy, place, precedence, or pre-eminence, before a Baronet aforesaid, but that as well the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and his said Heirs male, as the wives, sons, daughters, and the wives of the sons of the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and of his said Heirs male respectively, from henceforth for ever, shall freely and quietly have, hold, and enjoy their said dignity, place, precedence, and privilege before all persons, (except before excepted) who shall hereafter be created of such degree, state, dignity, order, name, style, or title, or to whom the title, place, precedence, or pre-eminence as aforesaid, shall be given or granted, or who shall claim to have, hold, or enjoy any place or precedence by reason or colour of any constitution, order, dignity, degree, office, service, place, business, custom, use, or any other thing whatsoever, and before their wives and children respectively, according to the true intent of these Presents, without the hindrance of Us, our Heirs or Successors, or any other persons whatsoever, saving nevertheless and always reserving to Us, our Heirs and Successors, full and absolute power and authority to continue and restore to any person or persons from time to time such place and precedence as at any time hereafter shall be due to them, which by any accident or