History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


occasion whatsoever shall hereafter be changed, anything in these Presents, or any other cause or respect whatsoever to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. We will, moreover, and do by these Presents for Us, our Heirs and Successors, grant and appoint, that if any doubts or questions as to any place, precedence, privilege, or other thing touching or concerning the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and his said Heirs male, and their wives, the first-born sons and their wives, the younger sons, daughters, and wives of the younger sons, or any of them, shall hereafter arise, which neither by these Our Letters Patent nor by other Letters Patent heretofore made in this behalf are determined, such doubts or questions shall be determined and adjudged by and according to other such rules, customs, and laws (as to place, precedence, or other things concerning them,) as other degrees of hereditary dignity are ordered, governed, and adjudged. Lastly, We will, and do by these Presents for Us, our Heirs and Successors, grant to the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai and his said Heirs male, that these Our Letters Patent, or the enrolment thereof, shall be in and by all things good, firm, valid, sufficient, and effectual in the Law, as well against Us, our Heirs and Successors, as against all others whomsoever according to the true intent of the same, as well in all our Courts as elsewhere wheresoever. We will also, and by these Presents grant to the said Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai, that he may and shall have these Our Letters Patent duly made and sealed under Our Great Seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, without fine or fee, great or small, to be for the same in any manner rendered, done, or paid to Us, in Our Exchequer or elsewhere to Our use. In Witness whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent. Witness Ourself at Westminster, the Sixth day of August, in the Twentyfirst year of Our Reign.

By Warrant under the Queen’s Sign Manual. C. ROMILLY.