History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


Stakhar, ii. 159 Stevens, Mr. James, senior, i. 220 note Students’ Literary and Scientific Society, the, i. 305, 306 and nofe, 312, 322 Stud Yasht, ii. 158, 164 Succession and Marriage Acts, i. 278 Sudkar, ii. 157, 159 Sudra, 1. 32, 117, 165, 167, 168 Sultan Husen, i. 56 Sultani Naoroz, i. 149 Sunabai Nasarvanji Kama, i. 312 note Superb, the, ii. 63 Supreme Court, the, i. 245 ; judges of, 246 ; 248, 256 Surat, i. 27, 35, 36 note ; removal of fire to, 48; anniversary at, 49; 50; its origin, 50 note; 93, 106, 216, 221, 242, 247, 248, 254, 255, 260, 264, 281, 287, 323; ii. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 30, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 54, 59, 60, 77, 89, 110, 141, 145, 210 note, 243, 244, 249, 250, 251, 266, 271 Surat Athavisi, ii. 7 - Suratji, i. 50 note Sutherland, Duke of, i. 209 Sutherland, Mr., ii. 32 Syria, i. 19


TaBAnt, i. 19, 27 note

Table Bay, ii. 82

Tabriz, i. 61, 65

Tajbakhas, the, ii. 72

Talyarkhan, ii. 22

Tana ceremony, i. 202

Tandarusti, i. 187

Tapidas Varjdas and Co., Messts., ii. 249

Tapti, i. 50 note

Tarapur, ii. 44, 124, 130

Tarikh-i-Tabril, ii. 225

Tchengrighatchah, i. 25 note

Tehemuras, i. 4

Teheran, i. 55, 66, 75, 77 ; poorhouse at, 85 .

Tehmuras Dinsha, Ervad, ii. 233

Temple, Sir Richard, i. 100, 206, 317 note; Vi. 109, 264

Temulji, Dastur, ii. 179 note


Temulji Jivanji Readymoney, Mr., ii. 57

Temulji Rastamji Sirvai, Mr., i. 7

Tena, il. 59

Thana, i. 26 note, 35, 40, 42, 254; i: 53, 115, 124, 250, 253

Thanas, the, ii. 7, 46 and note

Thibet, i. 89

Thomson, Mr. Ronald, i. 79, 82

Thriti, ii. 154

Tigris, the, i. 3, 9, 89

Times, the, i. 208

Times of India, the, i. 328 nofe, 331; ii. 120

Timur, i. 38, 39

Tir (day), i. 137

Tir (month), i. 147

Tir (angel), i. 185

Topi, i. 118

Torlesse, Mr. John, ii. 64 note

Tower of Silence, see Dokhmas

Town Council of Bombay, the, ii. 124

Translation Fund, the Sir Jamshedji Jijibhai, i. 287

Trimbakji Danglia, ii. 41

Trombay, i. 42, 177 note

Trowbridge, Sir T., ii. 65, 66

Troyer, quoted, i. 25 note

Trustees, Charitable, i. 241

Tiibingen, ii. 173, 174

Tuglikhpur, i. 39

Tur, i. 56

Turanians, i. 4

Turbaratur, ii. 154

Turk merchant, a, ii. 10

Turkey, Sultan of, ii. 22

Turner, Mr., ii. 83

Tuster, i. 19


Ucn, i. 38

Udepur, i. 26 note

Udvada, i. 48, 242; ii. 45, 210 note

Ulugh Khan, i. 44 noée

Undery Chandery, ii. 80

Union Bank, ii. 122

University, the Bombay, i. 290; degrees ‘at, 293

University Hall, ii. 141, 142

Urf, i. 64