Jugoslovenski Rotar, 15. 09. 1934., S. 13
koji sadrži osam imena, četiri muška i četiri ženska. To su: Rufinos, Peristeria, Protasis, Perpetua, Joannes, Elpidis, Aurelianos, Peristeria. Po svemu izgleda, da je ovde reč o četiri para (muž ı Žena), a izvesna imena daju maha pretpostavci, da je ovde reč o nekoj jevrejskoj porodici. Natpis, otkriven pretprošle godine, u kome se govori o jeyrejskoj opStini i o sinagogi u Stobima, svedoči, da je tu bila moćna kolonija Jevreja.
Orkriveni mozaik je vrlo dragocen. Dva polja pretstavljaju rombove upisane u kvadratu, a u uglovima su naslikani jeleni ı lavovi, koji trče. Jedno polje pokazuje u sredini rozetu, a u uglovima konja koji trči, bika, jelena koji pase ı scenu lova (pas goni zeca). Jedno polje pretstavlja vazu sa šarenim cvećem. Dva polja pretstavljaju, u glavnom, morsku faunu sa kitovima, delfinima, polipima ı oktopodima, a Jedno od ovih polja pokazuje u uglu ı alegorisku figuru Mora sa veslom u ruci.
U rečenoj gradjevini pored sitnijih objekata, medju kojima se ističe jedna broncana statuetica Venere sa ogledalom u ruci, nadjena je i vrlo lepa glava, po svoj prilici, Orfeja, nešto oštećena, rad rimskih majstor iz doba careva. Vlad. R. Petković.
Naš R.C. Skoplje priredio je na dan
24. maja 1934 klupski izlet u Stobi. Na izletu je učestvovalo 16 élanova, od kojih su
tance with apsides on the western side. The two halls are besides each other and open on the eastern side towards a peristyle which has a basin in the north. Behind them an the western side there was a garden. In the southern hall a very nice mosaic was discovered on the floor. In the middle there was a flowing fountain and round the fountain the mosaic was divided into eight fields. Two fields show inscriptions on the mosaic containing names of four men and four ladies, Rufinos, Peristeria, Prozasis, Perpetua, Joennes, Elpidis, Aurelianos, Peri-
steria. They seem to represent four couples and from certain names we could conclude that they belonged to a Jewish family. An inscription, discovered the year before last, speaks of a Jewish congregation and synagogue at Stobi, showing that there was a strong Jewish colony there.
The mosaic discovered is very precious. Two fields represent rhombs within squares and in the corners there are pictures of stags and lions running. One field shows in the middle a rosette and in the corner a horse, a bull, a stag grazing and a hunting scene (a dog chasing a hare). One fields represents a vase with coloured flowers. Two fields display chiefly sea fauna, whales, dolphins, polypi and octopods, and one of these fields also shows in the corner an alegoric figure of a man with an oar in his hand.