Jugoslovenski Rotar

kod Jajca. Brojni turisti stranci koji obilaze te krajeve ne znaju čemu da se više dive, da li prirodnim krasotama koje u obilatoj meri pružaju bosanske gore i vode, ili bezbrojnim originalnim vodenicama koje pejsažu daju osobiti čar.

I zbog potrebe promicanja turizma, a 1 zbog koristi koju ti mlinovi donose sirotinji, od važnosti je da nadležni faktori održavanju takvih mlinova posvete osobitu pažnju.

Sarajevo, novembra 1934.

Ing. O. Grof. (Foto Dragan Tomljenović R. C. Zagreb.)

what they should admire first, the natural beauties, bountifully displayed by the Bosnian mountains and waters, or the numerous attractive water mills giving a particular charm to the landscape.

The competent authorities should devote special attention to the maintaining of these mills from the viewpoint of tourist traffic and on account of the benefits derived from same by the poor people in the community.

Sarajevo, in November 1934. Ing. O. Grof.



„Sofia (Blgarija), 11. X. 1934.

Rotary Club Sofia Vi prasta svoite dalboki sabolaznovanija po slucaj tragi¢nata konsina na negoio Veli¢estyo kral Alexander nije vsitski skarbin dalboko za rannata smrt na vasia gilem prvi grazdanin kojto slovi osnovite na sblizenieto mezdu bratski naroda.

Predsedatel Nikolajev, Sekretar Bojadzijev.“

dyata naši

»Bradford (Yorks., England), 11. X. 1934. Rotary Club of Bradford sends deepest sympathy with Rotarians of Jugoslavia in the tragic death of your Sovereign. Smith, President.“

„London (England), 11. X. 1934. Rotary Club of Brixton London deeply sympathize in national berievement. President.“

»Bratislava (Ceskoslovensko), 13. X. 1934. Zo svojej smutocnej schodze vyslovujeme najhlubSu sustrast nad tragickou smrtou vašeho vzneseneho krala vzacneho priatela éeskoslovenska Rotary Bratislava.“

»Rotary Club de Ciego de Avila (Cuba). Ciego de Avila, Octubre 13 de 1934. Muy querido Gobernador:

Al aciago acontecimiento de Marsella

(Francia), en el cual perdiéd la vida el Rey


Alejandro, ha llenado de tristezas a los rotarios de Ciege de Avila, Cuba.

Tenga a bien el Gobernador del 77 Distrito del Rotary, aceptar para si y para los rotarios de Yugoeslavia, el mds sentido y sincera mensaje de condolencia de parte de los rotarios de Ciege de Avila.

Y aprovechamos la oportunidad para ofrecerle el testimonio de nuestra mas distinguida

5 a consideracién. Јат;

Pte. del Comitć del Servicio Internacional. Alejo Alfonso Benavides Secretario del Club.“

»Rotary Club of East London (Union of

South Africa), 17th October 1934.

Dear District Governor,

It was with the deepest regret that we learnt of the tragic of death of your beloved King, Alexander of Jugoslavia, and hasten to convey to your Government and to the Rotarians of your District, our deep and sincerest sympathy in your countrys great loss. We trust that the mission of peace which King Alexander set out to create when he met with his umtimely death may eventually be fulfilled.

We are : ar Yours in Rotary

John Terry-Lloyd, President Ben Hughes, Chairman Intern. Serv. Com.“