Jugoslovenski Rotar

izdvajamo bitne ı važne stvari u ŽIVOTU 1 njima se bavimo.

Svaki Rotar mora voditi računa O svOJOJ ličnoj odgovornosti za uspeh Rotarstva ı ne treba da se oslanja na pretsednika kluba ili na ma koga drugoga, nego svaki treba da učini svoj deo.

Mi uvidjamo, da je rad zakon našeg opstanka — životno načelo, koje diže pojedince i narode. Sve što je veliko u čoveku, to dolazi putem rada, ı civilizacija je proizvod rada.

Rotary ima uspeha zato, što je išao za tim da nauči jednu grupu ljudi, da osećaju odgovornost Javnog služenja — javnog sluzenja, koje ne prestaje na granicama naših pojedinih država. Uzajamnost interesa prava je jezgra uredjenog medjunarodnog napretka i prijateljstva. Ovo je naša odgovornost, i mi, baš mi, smo neimari budućnosti.

Budućnost će imati onaj oblik, koji će mu dati duh, vera i sréanost, koji Zive danas u čovečanstvu. Moramo imati poverenja u sutrašnjicu, svi treba da gledamo u budućnost sa oduševljenjem — a ovo je najbolji put da budemo sretni.

Jedan je od najvećih problema, koji danas postoje, problem omladine. Stotine hiljada mladića i devojaka ostavljaju univerzitete svake godine sa svojim diplomama, a u ovo teško vreme nalaze, da nema mesta za njih u radu sveta. Oni nisu krivi za sadašnje stanje, a zadaća starije generacije je, da se više potrudi da pomogne omladini, da јој nadje ono mesto u društvu, koje joj pripada. Pred ovim problemom svaka se zajednica u svetu, koja ima Rotary Club, obratila na Rotare koji su izvežbani u služenju, da im daju svoju pomoć, i te zajednice se nisu razočarale. ’

Hteo bih takodjer da skrenem Vašu pažnju na godišnji kongres, ovu važnu kariku u lancu svetskog drugarstva, koje udružuje sve Rotary klubove. Mexico City biće domacin narednog kongresa od 17. do 21. juna 1935.god. — a to će biti prvi kongres a latinskoj Americi. Mexico Je slikovita i gostoljubna zemlja, a glavni grad je divna


pick out the vital and worthwhile things in life and do them.

Each Rotarian must appreciate his individual responsibility for the success of Rotary, not depending on the club president or someone else, but each doing his own part.

‘We recognize that work is the law of our being — the living principle that carries men and nations onward. All that is great in a man comes through work, and civilization is its product.

Rotary is succeeding because it struck out to train a group of men to sense the responsibility of public service — a public service which does not end with the boundaries of our respective nations. Mutuality of interest is the true keynote of ordered international progress and amity. This is our responsibility and we, ourselves, are the architects of the future.

The future will be shaped by the spirit, the faith, and the courage which stir in humanity today. We must be confident of the tomorrows, all looking forward to the future with enthusiasm — and that is the best way to be happy.

One of the greatest problems to be found today is that pertaining to youth. Hundreds of thousands of boys and girls leave the universities every year with their diplomas, and in these difficult times they find there is no place for them in the work of the world. They are not responsible for the present situation, and it is up to the older generation to make a more determined effort te help youth to find its rightful place in society.

In this emergency every community in the world which has a Rotary club has looked to Rotarians, trained in service, fur guidance and these communities have not been disappointed. I should like to direct your attention, too, to the annual convention, that important link in the chain of world fellowship which binds all Rotary clubs together. Mexico City will be host to the next convention, June 17—21, 1935 — the first to be held in Latin America. Mexico is a picturesque and hospitable country, and the capital city