Jugoslovenski Rotar

veštaju nekog biskupa Martina, prije dvjestaosamdeset godina u Bosni bilo je 73.000 katolika. Prema tome se vidi da ni ostalih yjera nije mnogo vise bilo.

Za naučni svijer Krajina Je bila do polovine devetnaestog vijeka potpuno nepoznata. Ono nekoliko domaćih kroničara i vrlo mali broj stranaca koji su kroz nju prošli — strepeci za svoj zivot — oni su se interesovali samo za vjerska, diplomatska, politička ı vojnička pitanja, stoga se može pozitivno ustvrditi, da je Kraijnu proučio, prvi ispitao i prikazao francuski emigrant geolog Ami Bue godine 1834.

Na polju vjerske i prosvjetne kulture nije Krajina pusta. U njoj Je do skoro bila očuvana „stara Jazija“, što Je znak izvjesne kulture I najjači dokaz, da naši muslimani, koji su se od davnina njom služili, nijesu Turci već Slaveni. Krajina ima i jednog božjeg ugodnika, ćudotyorca — Hajvaz dedu, za koga kažu da je preveo skopsku župu na islam i na Čiji grob, kao na Meku, svake godine idu na hiljade muslimana, da prouče molitvu. I najveći slavenski književnik na polju istočne kulture jeste Krajišnik — Саћ efend. Prušćak. Najznačajnija njegova knjiga Nizam El. Ulema (Kako se upravlja državom) ima skoro istu svrhu ı sadržaj kao i Makijavelijev „Il Principe“. Krajišnik je i Omer efendija Novljanin, čija se knjiga Istorija Bosne prva štampala u Carigradu. I


the inhabitants of these border districts tell stories, how at the times of Napoleon their roosters’ crowing would be heard in three Empires.

On account of wars, famine and illness it was looking at one time that the Bosnian Krayina would become a desert, and there were Pashas, like Mudred Pasha, who, partly by force, partly by persuasion, arranged thousands of marriages. According to the report of a certain Bishop Martin there were in Bosnia twohundred and eighty years ago about 73.000 Catholics. From this we can see that the adherents of the other religions were not more numerous neither.

To the scientific world the Bosnian Krayina was entirely unknown till the middle of the nineteenth century. The few native chroniclers and the very small number of strangers that passed through it — in deadly fright of their lives — were interested only in religious, diplomatical, political and military questions, and thus it my be said that it was the French emigrant geologist Ami Bue who in 1834 first explored and described this country.

On the field of religious and national culture this Province was not at all desolate. Till quitte recent times the old Bosnian alphabet was kept up there, which is the sign of a certain standard of culture and the strongest proof that our Mohammedans who were using it from olden days, were not Turks, but Slavs. This Province also has its eremit and miracle worker, the ,,Hajvaz ded“, who is reported of having converted the Skoplye parish to the Mohammedan religion and to whose grave, like to Mecca, thousands of Moslems are making pilgrimages every year to say their prayers. The greatest Slav writer on the field of Eastern culture — Cafi ef. Pru’¢ak — also hails from these parts. The most important of his books »Nizam E] Ulema“ (How to administer the State) has approximately the same contents and aims as Macchiavelli’s From this Province also came Omer Efendi Novljanin whose book ,,The History ob Bosnia“ was as the first one printed at Constantinople. The first Jugoslay, George Križanić was born at Bihać. Later come the

„Il principe“.