Jugoslovenski Rotar

prvi Jugoslaven, Juraj Križanić, rodjen je u Bihaću. Kasnije dolaze književnici: Fra Jukić, Pelagić ı Kočić, koji imaju tu odliku, da su se borili ı stradali perom u ruci.

Krajina ima ı svoj naročiti tip žene, koje su legendarne, u istoriji opisane ili opjevane. U šesnaestom vijeku harambaša najstrašnije hajdučke čete, koja se u Krajini pojavila, bila je zena Rabija. I zadnji hajduk u Bosni, uz svoga druga hajduka Vuksana, bila je harambaSa Mara, koja se odmetnula, kaze pjesma: u hajduke više Banja

zena, kako Luke. Jedna od najljepših ı najpopularnijih naših pjesama pjeva o bijesnoj banjalučkoj udovici — Čafer begovoj kaduni. Ima ı jedna lijepa ı značajna legenda o plemenitoj ı uzvišenoj zaručnici Safi kadi, na čijem grobu u Banjoj Luci ı danas ženske pale svijeće i zavjetuju se na bračnu vjernost.

To je tip patrijarhalne Slovenske Zene, koja je u svojoj vjeri, pogledima na Zivot, u svojim običajima, nošnji ı pjesmi ı spesijalno u ornamentiki održala čistu nacionalnu kulturu. Stoga je ova Banovina u pogledu etnografije — kao što smo gore kazali — interesantna, sviježa ı bujna. Pa nije čudo što su strani putnici zapazili njezinu vrijednost ı ubrojili je medju jače elemente opšte slavenske kulture.

Današnja Vrbaska banovina — ı ako u prošlosti nije bila politički jedinstvena, ona je etnički ı etnografski uvijek pretstavljala jednu cjelinu.

Prirodni položaj zemlje ı razni dogadjaji uvijek su primoravali ovaj narod da politička ı ostala pitanja drukče tretira nego li ostali krajevi. Stoga se u Carigradu ı Beču uvijek pazilo, šta će prije Krajina reći. Odatle je ı došlo „tvrda glava“ ı „dummer Bošnjak“, ili kao što su Turci govorili: Krk Bošnjak, bir adam (četrdeset Bosanaca, Jedan šovJek).

writers: Fra Jukić, Pelagić and Kočić who have the distinction that they were fighting and went under with the pens in their hands.

The Bosnian Krayina has its particular type of women who are legendary and as such described in history and in the national songs. In the sixteenth century the head of the most daring band of adventurers was a woman „Rabiya“. The last outlaw in Bosnia too was a women who, besides her comrade Vuksan, lived a life of adventure in the neighbourhood of Banya Luka. One of our nicest and most widely known national songs tells us the story of the enraged widow of Cafer Beg of Banya Luka. There is also a nice and characteristic legend about the noble and devoted fiancée Safa on whose grave at Banya Luka to-day still women are lighting candles and vowing conjugal fidelity.

This is the type of the patriarchal Slav women, who in her faith, her outlook on life, her customs and fashions, her songs and especially in ornamentics retained a pure national culture. For said reason this Province is as regards ethnography — as we already mentioned above — interesting, fresh and full of life. It is therefore no wonder that strangers and tourists discovered its value and put it down in their estimation as belonging to the stronger elements of the general Slav culture.

The Province (Banate) of Vrbas — although it was not in the past a political unit — always represented a whole from the ethnical and the ethnographical standpoint.

The natural position of the country and the various events were always compelling this people to look at the political and other questions from another standpoint than other districts. For said reason in former times they always paid attention at Constantinople and Vienna to what people in these parts would say. So the old saying of „ћага head“ and ,dummer Bosniac“ were formed, or as the Turks used to say: „Krk Bošnjak bir adam (forty Bosniacs one man).*

All this was not withaut reason. — That the Bogumiles were fighting here for their „Bosnian church", — that they had an alphabet of their own, — that Hrvoje Vukcic