Jugoslovenski Rotar, 15. 02. 1936., S. 3


Jugoslovenski rotari duboko ganuti preminućem Nj. Vel. Kralja Gjure V. iskreno dele tugu britskog naroda.

The Yugoslav Rotarians are deeply touched by the passing away of His Majesty King George V and sincerely share the sorrow of the British peoples.

Sledeći brzojavi izmenjeni su izmedju naseg distriktnog guvernera i pretsjednika R. IJ. B. I. Ed. Robinsona:

Edwin Robinson, London Jugoslovenski distrikt pridruzuje se britskim rotarima u velikoj tuzi koja je stigla Britski Imperij smrću njegovog. ljubljenog Kralja. Guverner Ružić

Guverner Ružić, Susak

R. I. B. I. izrazava najtopliju hvalu Jugoslovenskom distriktu za mnogo cenjenu izjavu saućešća.

Pretsednih Robinson

The following telegrammes were exchanged between our District governor and the R. I. B. [::

President Robinson, London

Yugoslav District joins the British Rotarians in great sorrow which has befallen the British Empire through the loss of their beloved King

Governor Ruzic

Governor Ruzi¢, Susak

R. LB. I. returns warmest thanks to yugoslay district for greatly appreciated message of simpathy.

President Robinson