JUS standardizacija, 01. 05. 1977., S. 41



BS 747/77

DK 691.11:674.048 BS 5268: Part 5/77

Roofing felts

The structural use of ftimber. Part 5.

Preservative treatments for.

constructional timber (formerly CP 98)

DK 697.3:728.1:697.4 BS 5449 :Part 1/77

DK 771.534.51:778.663

DIN 4512 Teil 4/77

Central heating for domestic premises.

Part 1. Forced circulation hot water systems (formerly CP 3006: Part 1)

Photographische „Sensitometrie. Bestimmunz der Lichtempfindlichkeit von Farb-Umkehrfilmen