Principles of western civilisation


Adams, G. B., 268, 269, 270, 274, 275, 326

Adams, H. C., ruling factor in commercial struggle, 406-7, 412, 431,


Agreement of the People, 101, Ap.

Alfred, England, 235

Alison, A., 186

Allen, Grant, 186, 399

‘Ancestor worship, 85, 162, 163, 284, 398 ; and military selection, 163-75

Aragon, 275

Archer, W., 187

Arianism, 221, 259

Aristotle, 19, 77, 174, 180, 181; 183, 209, 212

Art, standards in, 147-8, 186-8; French, | in literature, 954; modern evolutionary position in, 398; Greek standards in, see Greece.

Asceticism, 257, 268

Ashley, W. J., 378, 380, 381, 432-33

Augustine, St., 215; 216, 236

Aurelius, Marcus, 198, 206, 209, 212, 213, 215

Austin, J., 5, 73, 192

Australian federation, 383

Austria, parliamentary government in,

17 Aveling, E., 392

Bacchylides, 165

Bacon, L. W., 325

Bagehot, W., 175

Balfour, A. J., 186.

Becket, Archbishop, 255

Belgium, franchise in, 358.

Bentham, Jeremy, 5, 20, 73) 74) 75) 78, 86, 92, 113, T9I, 330, 374, 396; in the development of Utilitarian stand-point, 74-75, 78

Beloch, 177

Bernard, J. H., 391

Bert, Paul, 398

Bill of Rights, England, 324.

Bill of Rights, Virginia (1776), 114

Bluemner, 178, 183

Bluntschli, J. K., 175, 243

Bonar, J., 10, 11

Boniface VIII., 276

Borgeaud, C., 100, ot

Bosanquet, B., 9

Bossuet, 314

Bouchard, A., 10, 29

Bradford, G., 351, 424

Brennus, 155

Bright, J., 364

Bruno, 295

Brunswick Church Ordinances, 312

Bryce, J., I24, 235, 254, 259) 260, 268, 270, 325, 328, 332-33

| Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of,


Bulls, Papal, 255, 275, 276, 279-80

Bunsen, C. C. J., 312

Burke, E., French Revolution, 116-17 ; American Revolution, 117; principles of society, 117-19, 133

Bury, J. B., 216, 227, 259, 262.

Butcher, S. H., 202

Butterfield, B. H., 424

Caird, E., 9, 159, 319, 320, 395Calvin, in Geneva, 313, 314; influence on Western development, 314, 315

Campanella, 294

Caracalla, 208

Charlemagne, 235, 236, 260, 261, 262, 267, 268; conception of Church and State, 261-64

Charles I., England, 322

Charles II., England, 324

Charles V., Emperor, 261, 285, 304

Chartists, 2

China, 27-28, 444, 452.

445, 450, 451,