RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

public socio-political organizations and institutions, as well as employee representatives of the radio-television centres sit on these councils. The principal task of the council is to further program improvement. Тћеге are also editorial councils with representatives of civic and professional organizations and institutions which аге primarily concerned with certain specialized programs. In some radio and television centres, there аге up to thirty such councils. The highest management authority in the Yugoslav Radio and Television Community is the Assembly, which comprises 48 delegates equally representing the workers and the social organs of the eight members, the communities of the local stations and the Yugoslav Radio and Television Secretariat Decisions in the Assembly of Yugoslav Radio and Television аге taken following agreement of all nine delegates (principle of consensus). The President of the Assembly represents Yugoslav Radio and Television and is elected every two years on the principle of rotation. The Executive Council of Yugoslav Radio and Television is a management board which executes the decisions of the Assembly, and is in charge of Yugoslav Radio and Television operations. It is composed of the general directors of each member-organization. The Executive Council is headed by the President, who represents Yugoslav Radio and Television in business affairs. This position is filled every уеаг according to a previously-established schedule, The Committees of the Yugoslav Radio and Television Assembly are coordination and executive bodies for specific operational affairs, such as: 1- - Program Committee for Radio 2. - Program Committee for Television 3. - Committee for International Cooperation 4. - Committee for Technical Development 5. - Committee for Total National Defense All the committees have one representative from each of the nine member-organizations, and the president is elected every уеаг. The Yugoslav Radio and Television commissions are specialized groups for economic and legal affairs, local radio broadcasting and musical program production. The Executive Secretary of the Yugoslav Radio and Television Council is responsible for the execution of decisions made by the Assembly and the Executive Council of Yugoslav Radio and Television. The Executive Secretary may also appear for