RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

know how this can be achieved. All the others suggest tliat their work, ог for that matter the work of апуопе on telelvision, is not sacred, that it should be corrected, prior ог during filming, under same of the critics remarks, which then should not be considered and that with a constructive exchange of opinion certain serious projects could be changed at the very beginning, that some serias, were the scripts available to television workers and critics, could be edited. Some TV writers do not consider critics as belonging to the епету campt,but rather people who, with a little better knowledge of the essence and specific nature of television could regard TV producition in a different way and their remarks would therefore be more acceptable. This cooperation would perhaps differ from the traditional relationship between critic and the one criticised, but television itself is not exclusively a literary work, a set of aesthetic values, but rather a mozaic of socio-political and cultural activities, the fmal aim of which is identical to that of reviews. The real aim of both is a better programme for the viewing and reading public. Prvoljub Pejatović, Belgrade TV writer, gave the following short reply: Look upon TV production and reviews as a joint task. Mirč Kragelj, Ljubljana director, considers that the initiative for cooperation should come from both sides. »The condition for cooperation«, as writes Olivera Gajić, TV Beigrade director - »is the constant perfection of both in their own work and the reahsation of a tolerant dialogue in order to further stimulate the common goal - a better programme«. Macedonian director Dimitar Hristov, considers this cooperation assendal but insists that in this case narcisism should give way on both sides to a more constructive attitude. Director John Timothy Byford does not see the need for direct contact between programme-makers and critics, but assumes that the critics should see the programmes before actual public transmission and, by their reviews, aid the public in the selection in which the articles which would represent one form of cooperation in which the articles would act as an intermediajy between teievision and the viewing public. »In order to achieve successful cooperation, it is essential that television does not turn a deaf ear to certain criticism« replied TV Pnštma cameraman, Murat Zeka, while TV Sarajevo director, Muhamed Mehmedović, proposed that joint programmes be prepared like a kind of »TV Post« in which the critics could put fonvard their point of view.