RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Zaharije Tmavčević proposes an annual avvard by television for the best piece of reviening. Bearing in mind the shortage of trained TV critics, television and nevvspapers should encourage TV Writers vvhb have a certain affinity for the theoretical approach to take up TV revievving professionally. This vvould also be a great serviee to television - is the opinion of Pera Radović. TV Belgrade director of cultural programme »Savremenici«, Nada Ristić, says that cooperation could come about if critics became objective, dealt vvith analysis, synthesis and thereby offered support to TV programe-vvorkers. They vvould, hovvever, have to be better acquainted vvith the programme on vvhich they vvrite. Нег opinion is shared by, among others, Skoplje director Blagoj Andreev: »Critics should be people vvho have a professional knovvledge of the material and vvith an above-average cultural background«. As suggests Milorad Stevančev, editor-in-chief of TV Novi Sad’s documentary series, it vvould aid better cooperation »if critics present at the fflming of at least the more complex programmes«. TV Belgrade cameraman, Ilija MOetin proposes; »An analysis of the work of both in teamwork«, whOe his coOeague, Veljko Petrovic, considers that critics »should be included in some way in programme production«. The majority of thera, Ике Siniša Pavić, аге in favour of »meetings and discussions from time to time between vvriters and critics on the controversial causes of misunderstanding«. Jovan Ristić, however, considers that cooperation does not depend on television but rathei on »a change in the position of the press towards television, that TV reviewing could only changed by curing the mferiority oi Vugoslav critics...« The first condition for cooperation would be«, replied TV writer, MUan Šećerović - »that TV reviews become professionally serious and through«. Naturally, certain authors, such as director Zdravko Šotra, do not see the need for cooperadon and consider that it would be sufficient if everyone did his job conscientiously«. There does, however, exist the opinion (Slobodan Stojanović) author of the serial »More then a Game« that there exists »the danger of them coming tooclose, so, therefore, cooperation is not necessary, indeed the critics and television should be even further apart«. Aleksandar Čolnik: »Let the critic remain a critic and not became a creative worker«.